10 Effective Home Remedies For Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis (TB) is a respiratory infection caused by bacteria called ‘Mycobacterium tuberculosis’. This is a highly contagious disease with a high risk of fatality. Though TB is primarily a pulmonary infection, it can affect other organs of the body. The bacteria can remain dormant in the body of the infected person for years without causing any symptoms of the disease.  Repeated or prolonged exposure to the bacteria increases the risk of tuberculosis. The main symptom of this disease includes persistent coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath or labored breathing, night sweats, fever, chest pain etc.  The disease cause tissue death of the infected organ and is fatal. Proper medical treatment will help to remove the bacteria from the body. There are many home remedies that can help to treat the problem in the natural way. These remedies can be used as a complimentary treatment along with conventional medicines.  Here are some of the important home remedies for tuberculosis.

Home Remedies For Tuberculosis

1.    Garlic

Garlic has anti bacterial property as it contains sulphur. This helps in destroying the bacteria causing TB. Garlic also contains allicin and ajoene which helps to inhibit the bacterial growth. Garlic improves the immunity of the body.  Cooked or raw garlic can be used as a remedy.
How To Use?
•     Boil four cups water and one cup of milk together add half teaspoon of chopped garlic and reduce it to one –fourth. Drink this mixture three times daily.
•    Drink a glass of milk to which 10 drops of garlic juice is added before going to bed.  To get better result, do not drink water immediately after consuming the remedy

2.    Banana

Bananas are rich source of nutrients which will boost the immune system of the TB infected person. Bananas help to reduce the fever and cough caused due to tuberculosis.
How To Use?
•     Make a juice of  bananas and drink at least one glass daily
•     You can mix one mashed banana with one cup of coconut water, half-cup of yoghurt and one spoon of honey and consume it twice daily to get relief from cough and other symptoms of tuberculosis.

3.    Custard Apple

Custard apple is an excellent remedy for tuberculosis. It helps in rejuvenating the tissues affected by tuberculosis.
How To Use?
•    Boil the pulp of 2 custard apple and 25 seedless raisins in one and a half cup water for five to ten minutes.
•    When 1/3 of the water is left, filter the mixture
•    Add sugar candy and a pinch of cardamom and cinnamon powder to the filtered liquid and consume it twice daily.

4.    Drumstick

Drumstick leaves have antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties. This will help to eliminate the bacteria from the lungs. This remedy also helps to reduce the inflammation of the lungs caused by infection and coughing. Drumstick leaves are a good source of iron, calcium, carotene which improves the immunity of the body.
How To Use?
•    Boil a handful of drumstick leaves with one cup water for five minutes
•    Allow this to cool and add salt, pepper and one teaspoon  lime juice
•    Drink this on an empty stomach daily morning to cure tuberculosis
•    You can also consume boiled drumsticks daily to clear the infection.

5.    Oranges

Oranges will help to keep your lungs healthy. The essential minerals and vitamins present in orange rejuvenate the tissues of the lungs. Orange juice acts like an expectorant and relieves cough. Oranges help to prevent the secondary infections of the body by tuberculosis as it boosts the immune system of the body.
How To Use?
•    Take one glass of freshly squeezed juice of orange and add a bit of salt and one tablespoon of honey.
•    Drink this juice daily to nourish the lungs and to regain the tissues.

6.    Pineapple

Pineapple juice is very effective in treating tuberculosis. Pineapple juice helps to reduce the mucus formation and provides faster recovery.
How to use?
•    Drink fresh juice of pineapple on daily basis.

7.    Black Pepper

Black pepper is effective in cleansing the lungs and reducing the mucus production. This in turn helps to relieve the chest pain caused by tuberculosis. Pepper also has anti inflammatory properties which will help to reduce the inflammation caused by infection and coughing.
How To Use?
•    Fry 8-10 black pepper in clarified butter and make a paste of it.
•    Add a pinch of asafetida powder to this paste
•    Take half teaspoon of this remedy  every few hours

8.    Walnut

Walnut is effective in improving the immune response of the body when you are suffering from tuberculosis.  The nutrients in the walnut speed up the healing of the tissues.
How To Use?
•    Walnuts can be eaten as such to improve the immune system
•    Mix two teaspoons of crushed walnut powder with one teaspoon of garlic paste and one teaspoon of clarified butter. Eat this daily to get relief from tuberculosis.

9.    Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and helps to improve the immunity of the body. The polyphenol present in the green tea fight against the bacteria causing tuberculosis.
How To Use?
•    Boil green tea leaves with water to make the tea and consume it twice or thrice daily.
•    You can also use green tea pills available in the market

10.    Mint

Mint has anti bacterial property and helps in the healing of the tissues affected by tuberculosis. Mint will dissolve the mucous and prevents the side effects of tuberculosis drugs.
How To Use?
•     Mix one teaspoon of mint juice with two teaspoon honey and two teaspoon malt vinegar and half cup carrot juice.
•    Divide the mixture into three parts and consume it at regular intervals.
Do you suffer from the symptoms of tuberculosis? Do you want to overcome this problem effectively and quickly? Combine these home remedies with your medical treatment and get fast relief from tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is not a disease to ignore get proper medical advice to get rid of the problem.

Home Remedies For Gout

Gout is a complex disorder and it is seen more in men. Women also get afflicted after menopause. It is usually due to high levels of uric acid in the blood. When the symptoms of a gout attack are experienced, it is mainly due to the uric acid accumulating in the blood. It is the deposits in the joint that causes gout. It is a result of purine metabolism disorder which is characterized by a raised level of blood uric acid. Acute arthritis occurs from the deposition of sodium urate crystals in the connective tissues as well as articular cartilage. It is often inherited as well. When the urate crystals accumulate in the joints they cause swelling, inflammation and pain.

Causes Of Gout Pain

The contributory causes of gout can be several:
•    When one is obese they are likely to develop such a condition
•    When alcohol is consumed to a large extent, especially beer, it can lead to gout
•    If one pursues a diet which is high in meat and sea food it can aggravate such a condition
•    Those who follow low calorie diet with high protein intake and lead passive lives are susceptible to gout
•    Drinks high in fructose are likely to trigger gout, it has been found that women who consume beverages high in fructose content are likely to develop gout
•    Chronic kidney conditions
•    Hypertension
•    Hypothyroidism
•    Lead poisoning
There are various other factors that can contribute to aggravate the condition in the body which brings about gout.

Gout Symptoms

The symptoms of gout are acute and they come on without warning. Most of the patients experience the pain and discomfort at night:
•    One experiences severe pain in the hand, wrists, knees, feet and ankles. The big toe is affected in such cases the most. The affected areas feel warm or hot
•    When a gout attack is left untreated, it comes and goes over a couple of days.
•    The affected areas might be left feeling itch and have peeling skin.
•    The joints swell up, look red and tender and these areas the patient experiences the most pain
•    The affected area becomes red or purplish
•    Affected joints make it hard to move and one limits their movement

Top Home Remedies For Gout

Gout is a condition that can be controlled and limited to a great extent by making necessary changes in diet and lifestyle. As it is brought on or aggravated by certain habits and choices we make, the right remedies will steer one to lead a life free of such a condition.

1. Maintain The Body Weight

One needs to reduce weight as obesity is a contributory factor for gout. If one keeps a healthy weight they will be able to prevent further attack.
• It is necessary to take on healthy means to lose weight
• Crash dieting should be avoided
• One should follow moderate dieting methods with food groups low in fat and moderate in protein

2. Drink Water And Healthy Fluids

It is necessary to increase the intake of water which will have the following benefits:
• It will help to flush out the urate crystals which accumulate in the joints
• It will prevent kidney stones from forming which can also occur in such a condition

3. Avoid Alcohol

It is necessary to avoid alcohol intake as it makes the body retain urate:
• High amounts of booze consumption can cause gout
• It can worsen any existing gout condition
Wine drinking has been seen to have no influence on gout formation or making the condition persist.

4. Check The Diet

One needs to check on their diet in order to ensure that:
• They are not consuming high amounts of meat
• There should not be high levels of seafood in the daily diet

5. Avoid Certain Meat And Seafood

It is known that some types of meat and fish contain purines which form uric acid. Those who are susceptible to gout usually have a defective purine metabolism and hence, they need to reduce the intake of:
• Organ meat like kidney, liver and brain
• Fish like mackerel, herring and anchovies
Some vegetables like peas and spinach should be avoided as well.

6. Increase Vegetables And Milk Intake

It has been seen that, increasing the intake of:
• Different kinds of vegetables
• Low fat milk
will help to reduce the gout attacks.

7. Avoid Taking Diuretics Without Prescription

As water pills and other diuretics slow down the excretion of the uric acid, the build up is increased and that in turn increases the risk of gout:
• Do not take diuretic without prescription
• Inform your doctor of your gout condition

8. Avoid Placing Weight On The Joint

The joints that are inflamed need to be given rest to recover:
• Do not put pressure on the joint
• Take rest and avoid walking around or other physical activities

9. Keeping The Joint Elevated

It is best that the joint is kept elevated. That will:
• Reduce the flow of blood to the painful joints
• Help to reduce the feeling of pain

10. Avoid Warm Or Cold Compress

• Do not put warm or hot pads on the inflamed areas as it increases the blood circulation and increases pain
• If cold compress is applied it can make the crystals form rapidly and hence, intensifies the pain

11. Choose Comfortable Shoes

You need to use shoes that provide a lot of room for the toes so that they do not feel pressurized:
• Stylish, narrow pointed shoes will put pressure on the toes
• High heeled shoes put pressure on the toes

12. Try Herbal Treatment

There are many natural and herbal ingredients that are known to ease joint pain and act as anti inflammatory agents:
• Flower tops
• Ginger root
• Capsicum
• Licorice
One should try and increase such ingredients in their diet.

13. Meditation

It is seen that meditation and other relaxation techniques help to keep the gout condition at bay:
• Reduce mental stress
• Relax the body and mind

14. Wear Loose Clothing

Not only should one wear loose clothing, they need to sit or lie back in comfortable positions to allow the gout attacks to abate:
• Find time to relax and unwind
• Take plenty of rest
Are you crippled by gout pain? Do you fear those attacks coming back more often? With changes in diet, lifestyle and a positive attitude, you will be able to control the ailment and keep its symptoms at bay.

How to Get Rid of Keloids

Keloids are scars which have heaped-up appearance. These scars rise above the rest of the skin abruptly. It has a smooth appearance on the top and usually pink in color. They are considered as fibrous skin tumors that are benign. They are irregularly shaped and increases in size progressively. Keloids do not get subsided over time like ordinary scars. Keloids usually start sometime after the occurrence of injury and will extend beyond the injury site of the injury. They can migrate to the surrounding areas of the wound. Both men and women can develop keloids.

Cause Of Keloids

The exact reason for the formation of keloids in the body is not known. Keloids occur in certain people and at certain situations. The possible cause could be the changes in the cellular signals which control the proliferation and growth of cells. Keloids are usually formed at the site of skin damage. The skin damage that can lead to keloid formation includes
•    Acne
•    Burns
•    Cuts
•    Chicken pox
•    Surgery
•    Body piercing
•    Tattoos
•    Insect bites
•    Vaccinations
In some people keloid can appear spontaneously. There is no relation between the severity of the wound and keloid formation. Sometimes even minor abrasions of the skin can lead to keloid development.

Symptoms Of Keloids

•    Raised, shiny, dome shaped scars
•    The color of the scars ranges from pink to red
•    Some scars are itchy, tender or even painful to touch
•    Keloid scars are mainly on the chest, back, shoulders and ear lobes
Though there are not many complications caused by Keloids, they can lead to psychological distress as they cause cosmetic problems.  Some keloids in the joints may interfere with the movement of the person. Rarely the keloids can become cancerous. Treatments for keloids such as surgery and laser treatments are costly. There are many simple home remedies which can help a lot to control keloids.

Top Home Remedies To Fight Keloids

The following are the effective home remedies that you can easily try to treat keloids problem.

1. Honey

Honey is one of the best and the most effective natural ingredient that you can think of for moisturizing and healing your skin. Honey is recommended as a good home remedy for people suffering from keloids and it will help in effectively removing keloids from your skin on regular application for a few weeks.
• Take fresh organic honey and apply it on the scars on your skin. Massage the area gently in order to improve the blood circulation and also to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells.
• Repeat this process twice a day for a few weeks to get effective results.
• It would be ideal for you to use Tualang honey that is made by the bees from the Tualang tree. This is a very effective honey that will decrease the number of proliferating cells in the keloid and hence will result in the reduction of the Keloid scars.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective and easily available ingredient that you can use to treat Keloids for your skin. It will help in keeping the skin free from dirt and debris.
• Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and make it a smooth paste by adding sufficient water.
• Apply this paste directly on the problem areas on your skin with a cotton ball and leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes.
• You need to repeat this process for three to four times a day to get desired results in a couple of week’s time.
• This paste will help in reducing inflammation and also will help in the healing process.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a very good and effective home remedy that you can think of to treat keloid scars. Garlic will help in preventing the excessive fibroblast proliferation that is responsible for the growth of keloid scar.
• All you need to do is to take some pure garlic oil and apply it directly on the keloid scars on your skin.
• Leave it to react with the scar for about 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off properly.
• You can also replace the garlic oil with crushed cloves of garlic. It might cause a burning sensation and if you experience a burning sensation, then you can immediately wash the area with lukewarm water.
• Applying garlic oil on the scars regularly will help in treating keloids effectively.

4. Rose Water And Sandalwood

Rose water is a very effective natural skin toner and will help in soothing the skin. Sandalwood is an age old remedy used for skin regeneration. Mixing these two natural ingredients will help in dealing with keloid scars.
• Take a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and add enough quantity of rose water to make a thick paste.
• Clean the scar with water, apt dry and then apply this thick paste on the scars before going to bed.
• You need to wash the area with lukewarm water the next day morning.
• You need to carry out this procedure for one or two months everyday to enjoy reduction of the keloid scar.

5. Aspirin

The aspirin tablet powder is very effective in treating keloid scars.
• Crush three to four aspirin tablets and add small amount of water to this aspirin powder to make a thick, smooth paste.
• Apply this paste on the cleaned scars on your skin and allow it to dry completely.
• Once it is dry, you can rinse it off with water by rubbing it gently. You need to pat it dry and then apply some olive oil or tea oil on the scar areas.
• Repeat this remedy everyday till you find the reduction in keloid scars.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is very effective in treating keloids as it is very good for the skin. It will help in keeping the skin moisturized at all times and will also prevent skin infection.
• Cut open the Aloe Vera leaves and extract the gel from the leaves.
• Apply this gel on the cleaned keloid scars on your skin generously and allow it to react with the scar for about 15 to 20 minutes.
• Repeat this process twice or thrice daily until you see a reduction in the keloid scars as well as reduction in the pain and inflammation.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another great home remedy that you can think of for keloids is apple cider vinegar.
• Take apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the keloid affected areas on your skin.
• Gently massage the area so that the vinegar gets absorbed into the skin.
• Allow the vinegar to dry for about 10 minutes and then redo the same process in order to speed up the healing process.
• If you sense any skin irritation when using apple cider vinegar, you can dilute it a little with water.
• Repeat this process several times a day to enjoy maximum results.

8. Fuller’s Earth

Another home remedy that you can use to fight skin scars including keloids is Fuller’s Earth. Using this remedy on a regular basis will help in easily removing the ugly scars on your skin.
• In a small bowl, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of rose water and one tablespoon of fuller’s earth.
• Mix properly to make a smooth paste and apply it on the affected areas of the skin.
• Massage this mixture gently over the affected areas so that it softens the scars.
• Allow this to dry and then again apply a coat of this mixture over the affected area.
• Leave this for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
• Repeat this process several times to see an effective reduction in the scars.

9. Fresh Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and is also a powerful antioxidant. It is used in treating a lot of skin scars including keloids.
• Take a fresh lemon piece and cut it into two halves.
• You need to extract the juice out of these two pieces of lemon and apply the juice to the affected areas of the skin.
• Leave it to react with the skin for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
• Repeat this process two times a day or at least once a day.
• You will see visible changes in the texture, color and flexibility of the skin within few weeks.

10. Lavender Oil

One of the most common oils used on the skin is the lavender oil as it has skin rejuvenation properties. It is an effective home remedy that you can use to reduce scarring on the skin. It will help in preventing the scars caused by keloids from becoming permanent.
• Take a generous amount of lavender oil and apply it on the scars on your skin.
• Massage it gently over the affected area so that it gets into the skin.
• Repeat this process several times a day to see great results in a few weeks time.
• You can also use a combination of lavender oil and tea tree oil on your skin to see even better results.
Are you worried seeing the scars caused by keloids on your skin? Do you want to get rid of these scars naturally without spending a lot of money? Well, then you can try out some of the above mentioned home remedies to effectively remove the keloid scars on your skin.

deal Home Remedies to try for Arthritis in Hands

Pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints of the hands and wrist, which restrict the movement of the joints are known as arthritis of the hands. The activities of daily life become difficult due to pain and disability caused by the disease. The small joints in the hands should work together to produce motion. Arthritis affects multiple joints in the hands. It has been estimated that one in every five adults in the United States is affected by arthritis. Arthritis includes hundreds of medical conditions and it can affect people at a very early age. If arthritis is not treated, the bones in the joints lose their normal shape causing further pain and limiting the motion. The two important types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

What Causes Arthritis In Hands?

There are different forms of arthritis caused by different reasons. The cartilages that are wearing away can be a cause of arthritis. Lack of synovial fluid in the joint cavities of hands can lead to arthritis in the hands. Autoimmunity is another major cause of arthritis of body joints. A combination of several factors can also cause arthritis risk. Some of the major causes of arthritis of hands are
•    Genetic makeup
•    Physically demanding jobs with repetitive movements
•    Previous injury to hands or wrist
•    Obesity
•    Autoimmune diseases

Symptoms Of Arthritis in Hands

The symptoms of arthritis in hands depend on the type of arthritis


•    In this type of arthritis, the symptoms appear slowly and becomes worse as the time goes by
•    Pain in the joint after use or after a period of inactivity
•    Tenderness of the joints when pressure is applied to the joints
•    Joints will be stiff especially in the mornings
•    Hard lumps or bone spurs appear around the joints
•    Swelling in the joints

Rheumatoid Arthritis

•    The same joints on either hand will be swollen
•    Pain in the joints
•    The joint is tender when touched
•    Hands red and puffy
•    Bumps of tissues or rheumatoid nodules under skin of the arms
•    Tiredness
•    Weight loss
The patient may feel frustrated because of pain, fatigueless and the inability to grip things. Patients can regain an active life by proper treatment. There is no cure for arthritis; however it is possible to reduce the severity and deformities using various treatments including home remedies.

Home Remedies for Arthritis in Hands:

If you are suffering from arthritis in your hands, then the following are some of the effective home remedies that will help in treating arthritis in hands:

1.    Castor Oil

Castor oil is not just used as an oil to light lamps in India but is also believed to have certain curative and medicinal powers. It contains one of the most important medicinal ingredients called Ricinoleic acid that is loaded with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic priorities. This is the reason why it is recommended as a natural treatment for arthritis in hands.
  • Take a generous amount of castor oil and apply in the arthritis affected areas in your hand.
  • Massage these areas gently for about five to ten minutes twice every day.
  • This will help in alleviating the pain caused due to arthritis in the hands.
  • You can also boil two tablespoons of castor oil and add it to a glass of fresh orange juice.
  • Mix it well and drink this juice before having your breakfast every day.
  • You will see a visible difference in your condition within a couple of weeks.

2.    Garlic

Garlic is another effective ingredient that you can use to treat arthritis in hands. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that will help in reducing the pain and the inflammation that is caused due to arthritis. Garlic is also rich in allicin that is effective in slowing down the reproduction and the growth of the microorganisms that can really worsen the arthritis symptoms.
  • Eating two to three cloves of raw garlic everyday will help in lessening the symptom of arthritis in hands.
  • You can also heat a few garlic cloves in mustard oil and apply this on the fingers and other areas of your hand where you feel pain due to arthritis.
  • Massage the affected areas gently for a few minutes and repeat this process for several times in a day to get quick relief.

3.    Potato

The potato is not just a rich source of carbohydrates, but it also offers the best anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that will help in treating arthritis in hands effectively.
  • Extract the juice of two to three potatoes and then dilute it with some water.
  • Drink this potato juice every day for getting good relief from arthritis in hands.
  • You can prepare new medicated water with potato pieces. Cut medium sized potatoes into thin slices and put these slices in cold water overnight.
  • You need to strain the solution the next day morning and drink this water on an empty stomach. It will help in relieving the pain in your joints.

4.    Honey And Cinnamon Powder

Honey and cinnamon are natural ingredients that have great healing powers. Using them together will help in providing relief to people suffering from arthritis in hands. Honey is rich in antiseptic qualities and cinnamon, on the other hand, has good antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
  • Using honey and cinnamon powder together will help in relaxing the stiff muscles of the body and offer lubrication to the joints.
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Take this mixture everyday in the morning to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis in your hands.
  • It would produce even better results if you could take this mixture on an empty stomach everyday in the morning.

5.    Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is rich in magnesium and will help in improving the blood flow in your body. It will help in preventing the hardening of the arteries and the blood clots.
  • Soaking your hands in warm water that is mixed with Epsom salt will help in reliving cramps and pain in your hands.
  • Add two tablespoons of Epsom salt and a handful of rock salt in warm water.
  • Next, add a tablespoon of fennel and juniper oil and mix it in this water.
  • Soak your affected hand in this water for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
  • You will get relief from pain, inflammation and stiffness that are associated with arthritis in hands.

6.    Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural home remedy to treat inflammation in the body. As it is rich in oleocanthal which in turn slows down the production process of pro-inflammatory COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, it is highly recommended as a treatment for arthritis in hands.
  • Using olive oil for cooking as well as for your salad dressing will help in reducing the pain and the inflammation that you get due to arthritis in hands.
  • You can also take equal quantities of warm olive oil and warm lavender oil and mix it well. Apply this mixture to your hands and gently massage on the arthritis affected areas for about 10 minutes.
  • Regular application of this oil mixture for two to three times a day will help in significant reduction in the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis in hands.

7.    Hot Water

Warm compress is one of the best methods to get rid of the pain on fingers due to arthritis. Warm compress improves the blood circulation to the area and relaxes the muscles and joints. This helps to reduce the swelling and stiffness.
  • Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze out excess water.
  • Put the towel over the hands and fingers.
  • Combine warm compress with light exercise of the hands to get better results.

8.    Apple Cider Vinegar

This remedy helps to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis in hands as it has anti-inflammatory and alkalizing property.  You can use it as an internal remedy or you can use it for external application.
  • Drink one glass of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey.
  • You can also make a paste  of cayenne pepper and warm apple cider vinegar and apply this warm paste to the painful joints in the hands and wrist
  • Leave the paste on the affected areas for 10 minutes to get relief from pain and stiffness.

9.    Ice Pack

Cold therapy is highly effective for people suffering from hand arthritis. Cold packs reduce the irritation and soreness.
  • You can use ice packs or plastic bags filled with frozen greens to do the cold therapy.
  • Place the ice pack on the affected area for a few seconds and remove it.
  • Repeat this for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Make sure that you use a thin towel between the cold pack and skin to avoid frost bite.

10.    Turmeric

Turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory property and hence can be used as a home remedy for arthritis. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which provide protection to the skin of the affected fingers from the attack of any microorganisms.
  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric and honey to a glass of warm milk and drink this every day.
  • You can instead mix turmeric powder with warm water and drink it every day
  • You can make a thick paste of turmeric powder and mustard oil and apply this paste on the swollen and stiff fingers.
  • Leave this paste on the fingers for half an hour and wash it off with warm water to get relief from the symptoms of arthritis in hands.
Are you worried about your arthritis in hands? Do you want to get relief from the pain and the inflammation caused on your hands due to arthritis? If you are looking for certain natural home remedies that will help in getting rid of arthritis in hands or reducing the symptoms associated with arthritis in hands, then you can just try out some of the above mentioned home remedies to enjoy reduction in pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

How to Remove Facial Scars

Acne is a common skin disorder that can be quite annoying. Acne can be treated with proper medication and skincare. However, acne leaves behind marks and scars that can ruin the beauty of your skin. You cannot remove these scars with the usual skin creams available in the market. Some people opt for laser scar removal in order to get rid of these scars. Fortunately, there are certain natural remedies that can help you to get rid of acne scars without any side effects.
Listed below are few home remedies that can remove facial scars. However, you should have the patience to follow these steps for a certain number of days in order to get the desired results.

Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Scars

1.    Lightening The Scars

Applying olive oil can reduce the scars. After applying olive oil expose your face to a light steam. This would clear the pores and lighten the scars.

2. Sandalwood

Applying sandalwood paste can help you in lightening the scars. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water or milk. Apply it on your scars and let it stay for 1 hour before rinsing off with cool water.

3. Almonds:

Soak almonds in milk or water for 12 hours. Peel off their skin and crush them. Add some rose water to this paste and then apply it over the scars.

4.    Building New Skin Cells

After scrubbing you need to apply something that can help the skin in producing new cells. Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and hence you can use it for this purpose. Soak a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply it gently on your face. Let the skin absorb all the juice. This would help the skin in renewing itself and it would also improve the complexion and tone of your skin.

5.    Lemon juice:

Drinking lemon juice three times a day for two weeks can reduce the scars.

6. Scrubbing Off:

Scrubbing your skin with baking soda can help you in reducing the scar. Mix baking soda with water and scrub for 1 to 2 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Follow this regularly.

7.    Radish Seeds:

Make a paste of radish seeds and apply it regularly. This helps in reducing the scars.

8.    Potato:

Potato can help you in reducing the scars. It contains sulphur and potassium. Mash raw potatoes and apply the juice on the scared area.

9.    Creams or Gels:

You can remove the facial scars by certain procedures like laser resurfacing or dermabrasion.  You can also opt for certain scar-removal creams or gels that can effectively lighten the scars and black marks on your skin.
Are you worried about facial scars and black marks on your skin? Are you looking for a natural remedy that can lighten the scars and make your skin brighter? If you are searching for a home remedy for your scars, try some of the aforementioned treatments. These natural remedies can not only remove the scars and also improve the quality of your skin. However, you should have the patience of continuing these treatments for 1 to 2 weeks.

Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently At Home

Though hair provides insulation to our body, they can also affect the perfect look of a person. Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like hands, feet, face and back are one of the main cosmetic problems faced by many women. Unwanted hair growth occurs due to imbalance of hormones in the body, irregular menstrual cycle, use of certain medications or due to pregnancy. Though there are many latest techniques such as waxing, laser hair removal, electrolysis, etc. are available for unwanted hair removal, they are costly and cannot be accessed by many women. There are many age old natural home remedies available for efficient removal of unwanted hair from different parts of the body. As these remedies are natural, they are without any side effects and are much cheaper than the methods available from beauty clinics.

Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hair

The home remedies given here for Unwanted hair removal are very easy to follow. Find out which of the method is most suitable for your unwanted Hair.

1.    Sugar Lemon Mix For Facial Hair

Sugar mixed with water and lemon juice will help in exfoliating your face and offer natural bleach to your face. The lemon juice used will help in lightening the color of your facial hair. These three ingredients combine to help effectively remove hair on your face as well as other parts of the body. It is advisable not to use these ingredients on sensitive parts.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 10 tablespoons of water
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • One small bowl
  • Mix sugar and water in the small bowl.
  • Once the sugar solution is ready, add lemon juice into the bowl and mix well.
  • Now apply this sugar and lemon mixture on your face in the direction of hair growth on the face.
  • Allow this mixture to rest on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water after 20 minutes, by rubbing the mixture gently with your hands.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week to see a reduction in facial hair.

2.    Sugar, Honey and Lemon Mixture for Hair on Legs and Arms

Sugar mixed with water, lemon and honey is a very good home remedy to remove unwanted hair from your body. It acts like wax and is very effective in removing unwanted hair growth on legs and arms. This procedure would be a bit painful as it is more or less similar to waxing and plucking done in beauty parlors.
Ingredients and Tools
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey
  • Water (optional to make the paste thinner)
  • Cornstarch or all purpose flour- 1 to 2 teaspoons
  • Piece of cloth or waxing strip
  • Spatula for waxing or butter knife
  • In a small bowl, take sugar, lemon and honey and mix them well.
  • Heat this mixture for three minutes in a vessel to make it a smooth, free flowing paste.
  • If you find the paste to be a bit thick, add water and mix well. Allow this mixture to cool at room temperature.
  • Clean the body parts where you need to apply this mixture and then dust it with cornstarch or all purpose flour.
  • Use the waxing spatula and apply a generous amount of warm sugar, lemon and honey mixture on the areas where you do not want to see unwanted hair.
  • Apply it in the direction of the hair growth and once done cover it with a cloth or waxing strips and press to make it stick on the paste.
  • Pull the strip in the opposite direction if your hair growth to effectively remove unwanted hair.
  • You can repeat this process whenever you spot unwanted hair growth on your hands or legs.

3.    Sugar Molasses Home Wax Treatment

Mixing sugar with molasses or corn syrup will give you the same effect that you get when mixing sugar, honey and lemon together. Magnesium is a main component seen in molasses that will help in balancing the hormones. It is quite effective in offering slow and steady relief from unwanted hair. Mixing the sugar with molasses or corn syrup will make the molasses become a depilatory wax that you can use on your hands and legs to remove unwanted hair.
  • One cup sugar
  • Molasses’ or dark corn syrup
  • Juice of half lemon
  • Cloth or waxing strip
  • Vessel
  • Take a microwave safe vessel and add sugar to it.
  • Add a drizzle of molasses on top of the sugar and microwave the vessel for two to three minutes.
  • Make sure that the sugar dissolves completely and then add freshly squeezed lemon juice into this mixture.
  • Stir well and if needed you can microwave the mixture for another two to three minutes until all ingredients blend well.
  • Allow it to cool at room temperature and when the liquid is a bit warm apply it on the hands and the legs where you see unwanted hair growth.
  • Now place the waxing strip on this applied mixture and press it.
  • Pull it off to get rid of unwanted hair and repeat this process whenever you spot unwanted hair growth on hands and legs. This is a painful process.

4.    Lentil and Potatoes

Potatoes when combined with yellow lentil will help in effectively removing unwanted hair. Potatoes have natural bleach properties in them. The combination of these two items will help in making the hair color lighter. It is an Ayurvedic process to get rid of the hair on the face and other parts of the body.

  • One potato
  • A bowl of yellow lentil
  • One tablespoon of honey
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Sieve or cloth
  • You need to yellow lentil in water overnight.
  • Peel off the skin of the potato and crush it. Take it in a bowl.
  • Remove all the water from the lentil and grind it to make a paste.
  • Now you need to extract the juice from the crushed potato and add it to the yellow lentil paste.
  • To this mixture add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey and mix well.
  • Apply this mixture on your face and other parts of the body where you have unwanted hair.
  • Leave it to rest on your body parts for about 20 to 30 minutes or until the paste completely dries out.
  • Now remove the paste from the a-plied area by rubbing your fingers over the paste. The dry lentil paste will pull off the hair from your body as you rub the paste.
  • You need to repeat this process two to three times in a fortnight to get rid of unwanted hair completely.

5.    Alum Rosewater Treatment

Another home remedy that helps in easy unwanted hair removal that is used commonly by women in India and Pakistan is alum and rosewater treatment. Alum is easily available in the market in powdered form. If you are able to get hold of the rock of alum, then you need to grind it to make it into powder.
  • Half teaspoon of alum powder
  • Two  to  three tablespoons of rose water
  • Olive oil or sesame oil (few drops)
  • Cotton ball for application
  • Add rose water to the alum powder placed in a small bowl.
  • Dissolve the powder completely in rose water with the help of a spoon.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip it in the rose water mixture.
  • Apply this mixture on the areas where you have unwanted hair.
  • Allow it to sit there and when it dries off completely, apply the rose water and alum powder mixture once again.
  • Repeat this process for an hour. If you have sensitive skin, then it is better to stop the process after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off completely and then dab some sesame oil or olive oil to moisturize the area.
  • Repeat this process three to four times in a week for a few weeks to completely get rid of unwanted hair.

6.    Egg Mask Facial Hair Removal

Egg white is a sticky substance like sugar, lemon and honey mask. Once it dries on your face, it is very easy to pull it off and when you pull it down, the unwanted facial hair will also come along with it. But, you may experience pain when pulling off the dried egg mask.
  • Half a tablespoon of Corn flour
  • One egg
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Bowl for mixing
  • Break an egg and take the white from the egg in a bowl.
  • Add corn flour and sugar to it. Stir the ingredients well and make it a smooth paste.
  • Now apply this as a face mask and allow it to dry on your face for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • It will become a think egg mask on your face once it dries completely.
  • Now with a firm hand peel off the egg mask from your face in such a manner that the facial hair also is pulled out.
  • Repeat this procedure two to three times in a week to completely get rid of facial hair.

You can also follow best homemade tips for Facial Hair Removal

7.    Banana and Oatmeal Scrub

Banana is a natural ingredient that can be used to remove unwanted hair from the body when mixed with a roughening ingredient like oatmeal that will help in exfoliating your skin. The banana will help in making your skin soft and supple and oatmeal will act as the cleanser for your skin. Both combine to give unique and effective results.
  • Take a ripe banana and mash it in such a way that it becomes a paste.
  • To this bowl of banana paste, add one or two teaspoons of oatmeal and mix it well.
  • Apply generous amount of this paste on unwanted hairs on your body and then rub it in circular motion.
  • Allow this paste to sit on unwanted hair areas for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with water to remove the paste completely.
  • Repeat this process two times in a week for a few weeks to get rid of unwanted hair from your body parts as well as face.

8.    Raw Papaya

This remedy is suitable for all skin types including those with sensitive skin. There is an enzyme present in raw papaya called “papain” which helps restricting the growth of hair by breaking down the hair follicles from which the hair grows.  This remedy is also useful in improving the texture of the skin as it works as exfoliate and removes the dead skin cells. There are two methods for using this remedy.

Method -1 (Papaya And Turmeric)

  • Take peeled papaya and make it into little pieces
  • Grind the pieces to make fine paste
  • Take 2 tablespoons of this papaya paste and mix it well with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Apply this mixture to the face or legs or to the unwanted hair on other parts of the body
  • Massage the skin with this mixture for about 15-20 minutes and later wash it with water
  • Repeat this remedy at least twice a week to remove the unwanted body or facial hair.

Method -2 (Papaya and Aloe Vera)

  • 1 tablespoon papaya paste or powder
  • 3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon mustard oil
  • ¼ tablespoon Gram flour
  • ¼ tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 2 drops of any essential oil
  • Clean and dry cloth
  • Any moisturizer or 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Mix papaya paste, gram flour, Aloe Vera gel and turmeric powder, mustard oil and essential oil to make a thick paste
  • Apply this paste on the areas of hair growth in the opposite direction of hair growth
  • Allow the paste to dry for 15-20 minutes
  • Take the clean and dry cloth and remove the dried paste by rubbing the cloth in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Wash the area with water and pat dry using the towel
  • Now massage a few drops of olive oil, baby oil or moisturizer on the area
  • Repeat the remedy 3-4 times a week for about 3 months to remove the unwanted hair completely.

9.    Turmeric

Turmeric has been in use for treating skin diseases for centuries in India. Apart from having antibacterial and antiseptic properties turmeric also helps in preventing hair growth. This is a simple but effective method for hair removal. Different methods have to be used for removing thin hairs and for removing thick and dense hair
Process for Thin Hair
  • Take one or two teaspoons of turmeric powder or enough quantity to cover the area of hair growth
  • Soak this powder in sufficient quantity of rose water, milk or water to make it a smooth paste which can be applied to face comfortably.
  • Keep the paste applied on the face or affected area for about 15-20 minutes or till it gets dry
  • Wash off the paste with warm water after 20 minutes
Process for Dense Hair
  • Use turmeric in combination with gram flour or ground oats or rice flour along with milk and use it in a similar way as mentioned in the process for thin hair.

10.    Chickpea

Chickpea flour or gram flour has been used traditionally by Indian mothers to keep their child’s skin soft and clean. They use the gram flour mixed with turmeric, water or milk to apply to the skin to remove unwanted hair growth and to treat the skin problems. Here is the chick flour mask remedy to remove hair growth.
  • ½ cup chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon fresh cream
  • ½ cup milk
  • Mix chickpea flour, turmeric, fresh cream and milk in a bowl to make a paste without lumps
  • Apply this paste on the body from where you want to remove the hair
  • Make sure that each hair in the area is covered with the paste
  • Keep the paste on the skin for about 20-30 minutes
  • When the paste is dried, rub off the mask with your hands. You may wet your hands before rubbing the mask
  • You should rub in the opposite direction of hair growth
  • Wash the mask applied area with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a week to  get rid of hair growth

11.    Safflower Oil- Thanaka Home Remedy

Thanaka is a very popular tree in Myanmar whose bark is used for cosmetic purposes. It is yellowish in color and when mixed with Safflower will help in easily getting rid of unwanted hair on the face and other body parts easily. Safflower oil will help in cleansing and making your skin get softer and smoother. Thanaka powder is a natural body hair inhibitor that will help in easily removing unwanted hair.
  • Take thanaka powder in a bowl and use as much powder as you need to cover the unwanted hair growth areas.
  • Now add sufficient amount of Safflower oil to the powder and mix it well.
  • Apply this mixture on the body areas where you do not want the unwanted hair and leave it to rest there overnight.
  • Wash it off with water early next morning.
  • Use this mixture every day for two to three months to see effective results.

12.    Onion and Basil

Onion is a natural ingredient that will help in making your skin look beautiful and will also help in removing unwanted hair when mixed with basil leaves. The trick here is to find out the thin transparent membranes of onion skin that lies between the onion layers.
  • Take the thin onion membranes from two medium sized onions and crush it with 10 to 12 basil leaves to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the unwanted hair in your body.
  • Leave it there for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Wash it off and pat dry. Repeat this process three to four times a week for one to two months to remove the unwanted hair from your body.
  • Make sure to continue this process until the hair is completely removed from its roots.

13.    Camphor- White Pepper for Removing Unwanted Hair from Legs

Camphor and white pepper are very strong and might cause burning sensation on the skin. It is particularly worse on sensitive skin. Hence, it is advised that this treatment has to be done only on the legs. There are many people who suggest using kerosene oil along with camphor and white pepper powder for effective results. But, kerosene has highly inflammable property and can easily catch fire from a spark. Hence, avoid kerosene oil and use only camphor and white pepper mixture.
  • Two tablespoons of White pepper
  • Two tablespoons of camphor
  • Almond oil to mix
  • Grind the white pepper into a fine powder and mix it with camphor in a bowl.
  • Add a few drops of almond oil to help mix these two main ingredients.
  • Apply this paste on the legs and allow it to rest on your legs for 10 to 15 minutes maximum.
  • Wash it off with water and you will see that hair is also coming out along with this paste.
  • Repeat this process whenever you want to carry out unwanted hair removal process on your legs.

14.    Indian Nettle and Turmeric Remedy

Indian nettle is a very popular natural medicinal herb that contains anodyne, anti-microbial, anthelmintic, emetic, anti-parasitic, hypnotic and wound healing properties. It is a wonder herb that is used traditionally to treat diseases like asthma, pneumonia, bed sores, wounds and rheumatism. It combines well with turmeric powder to effectively remove unwanted hair from your body.
  • Take few fresh Indian nettle or neem leaves and crush them finely.
  • Add dried turmeric powder into the crushed neem leaves and mix it well.
  • Add a few drops of water to make this into a paste so that it can be easily applied on the skin. You need to make sure that the paste is not loose or too thin.
  • Apply this paste as a mask on the areas where you do not want to see hair growth.
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes or until the mixture dries completely.
  • Peel of this mask to get rid of unwanted hair from the body.
  • Regular use of this mixture will help in effectively removing unwanted hair growth all over your body.

15.    Lemon Juice and Honey Remedy

A mask of honey and lemon juice will stick to your skin like glue and will also help in removing unwanted hair growth when peeled off from your skin. Honey has hydrating and moisturizing properties and will help in making the skin smooth and soft. The lemon juice has exfoliating and cleansing properties and will clear your skin. Lemon juice will also help in tightening your skin pores and will help in lightening the hair on the face and other body parts as it has bleaching properties. Both these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and will help in avoiding skin irritation.
  • Take a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Add 4 tablespoons of honey to this juice and mix it well.
  • Apply this paste on the face or hands or legs or areas where you do not want hair growth.
  • Allow it to rest on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then remove the mask with the help of a washcloth that is soaked in lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week for few months to see effective results.

16.    Green Gram Flour and Rosewater Paste

Green gram flour has exfoliating properties that will help in easily removing unwanted hair. Rose water is a cleansing agent and will help in cleaning the skin. When both these ingredients are combined, then the mixture will help in getting rid of unwanted hair and also helps to cleanse any kind of skin, from sensitive to acne prone skin to rough skin.
  • 2 tablespoons of green gram flour
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of rose water
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A small bowl for mixing
  • In a bowl, add rose water and then ad green gram flour. Mix them well.
  • Add lemon juice to this paste and then mix once again.
  • Apply this paste on the affected areas of your skin.
  • Leave it to sit there for about 20 to 25 minutes or until it is completely dry.
  • Wash it off with water and then pat dry.
  • Repeat this process three to four times a week until you have lost all the unwanted hair from your body.

17.    Lentil Face Pack

The lentil face pack is best prepared with red lentils. This is an excellent natural home remedy to remove unwanted hair from the face and is also a very good face scrub. Scrubbing the lentil paste in the opposite direction will create a friction on the skin that will help in removing hair from your skin and also help the skin to be clean, smooth and soft.
•    Half a cup of red lentils
•    Honey
•     Milk
•    Air tight container and  grinder
  • Grind half a cup of red lentils and sieve this powder a few times to get fine red lentil powder.
  • Now take 2 tablespoons of this powder in a bowl and to this powder, add sufficient quantity of honey and milk so that they mix together to form a smooth paste.
  • Let the mixture rest in the bowl for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can safely store the rest of the lentil powder in an airtight container for future use.
  • Apply this mixture on our face and leave it to rest for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Once dry, scrub it gently on face and then wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this process three to four times a week. If you have dry skin, then it is better to use this mixture on the skin just once a week.
  • Adding rose water, sandalwood powder, potato juice or dried orange peel powder to this pate will help in removing facial hair as well as brightening the skin tone.

18.    Spearmint Tea

The unwanted hair on your skin occurs due to excessive production of Hirsutism. This is mainly due to the hormonal imbalance that occurs in your body due to increased androgens and testosterone hormones. It could also be because of the over-sensitivity of the hair follicles to androgen hormones. Drinking spearmint tea will help in bringing down the androgen levels in your body and thereby help in getting rid of unwanted hair.
  • Take 5 to 6 fresh spearmint leaves or dried spearmint herb in a teapot and add boiling water in this pot.
  • Cover the pot and allow this to steep for about 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and drink it to get rid of unwanted hair from your body.
  • Drinking this tea once or twice every day will help in showing effective results of unwanted hair removal.

19.    Take More Phytoestrogen Rich Foods

The estrogen levels in your body will come down if you have increased levels of androgens and testosterones (male hormones) in your body. This will result in hormonal imbalance that will cause hair to grow in unwanted places. If you take foods that are rich in phytoestrogens, then you can reverse this effect considerably and hence you will help in getting rid of unwanted hair growth. Phytoestrogen is a plant hormone that is quite similar to estrogen hormone. Include foods rich in phytoestrogen in your daily diet and make sure that you use all its supplement forms also in your daily cooking. Some of the foods rich in phytoestrogens are:
•    Licorice
•    Flax seeds
•    Fennel seeds or herbs
•    Tofu
•    Soy Milk
•    Alfalfa
•    Brahmi herb

20.    Blackstrap Molasses

Women will always see the deficiency of essential minerals in their body. This will result in some problem or the other like having hair in unwanted places or losing hair from the scalp. Blackstrap molasses is one that is rich in minerals, iron and also has all the right minerals that will slow down the growth of hair in unwanted places. It will also help in gradually stopping the growth of hair in unwanted places.
  • Take two heaped teaspoons of blackstrap molasses and eat it everyday to get rid of unwanted hair on your body.
  • It is advised that you consult your doctor before having blackstrap molasses if you are taking any iron supplements or are suffering from diabetes.

Simple Tips for Unwanted Hair Removal

The following are the tips that you need to follow in order to get better results of completely getting rid of the unwanted hair growth on your body.
  1. The first thing that you need to bear in mind is that you should have patience when trying out these home remedies.
  2. You should try to use all these home remedies according to your convenience. This is the only way you can find out which is the best unwanted hair growth removal remedy for you.
  3. You should drink plenty of water as well as fruit and vegetable juices to aid your remedy and to help in easily removing unwanted hair from your body.
  4. Having a steam bath before using any of the application remedies will help in opening up of your skin pores and thereby aiding in easy hair removal form unwanted areas.
  5. Make sure that you also stick to a healthy diet plan along with regular bouts of exercise to regulate your hormone levels and to reduce the growth of unwanted hair.
  6. Washing the area properly after doing the treatment will help your skin to be clean and neat.
  7. You need to also have adequate amount of rest every night for at least 7 to 8 hours to lead a stress free life.
  8. Practicing yoga and meditation will help in calming you down and you can keep your unwanted hair problems at bay.
It is advised that you consult a health professional or a doctor if you experience unusual hair growth in your body coupled with certain muscular features like: decreased breast size, deepening of voice and increased muscle mass. Natural home remedies will definitely take a longer time to show results and hence you need to be patient when trying out these remedies.  You will enjoy results without any side effects or damages to your sensitive facial skin. There is no chemical involved in these home remedies and hence no side effects. They are very easy to prepare and most of the ingredients are commonly available in your home or you can get it in your local store. You will not need to put a lot of effort in preparing the home remedies that will help in removing hair from your face or hands or legs.
Try these simple home remedies and get rid of unwanted hair growth on your body.