Hair loss in women

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Hair loss in women
Unfortunately, in our time and in our environment hair loss, partial provenience in some areas or the whole scalp as premature baldness types can be as vitamin deficiency and, most often, the lack of certain enzymes in the body. Metabolic disorders may also negatively affect the stability of the root of hair.

According to independent data, in the course of the experimental method, it was found that in the day by a person loses 60 to 100 hairs during pregnancy and in the so-called "caps season" - in winter the risk of hair loss increases significantly. Also, due to the lack of vitamins in autumn or spring the number of hair shedding, even in a healthy person can be increased by 50%. Causes of hair loss can be very diverse, ranging from the banal malnutrition hair, before the formation of ulcers on the head or looseness of the skin, clogging or its extension.

Today, the massive hair loss faced not only men but also women in moments of different periods of his life. And hair loss in men is most often associated doctors with a genetic predisposition, and women often this cause - hormonal disruptions, various kinds of emotional factors and seasonal changes in their body. If male baldness - is often only localized for the problem, then the mass of women hair loss is distributed over the entire surface of the head.

The second most important cause of the mass of hair loss is improper diet. Here at the wrong food implies inadequate intake of the entire mass of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal, full-featured  human body. What types of hair nutrients are essential for healthy hair? Most often, women in particular, because of the strict diets bring your body's supply of vitamin to vitamin deficiency PP, C, B5 and B6. Subsequently, strict diets and long in the body may also be formed shortage of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iron. And this is one of the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for strong hair roots. Smoking - one of the main enemies alive and healthy skin and are usually strong and saturated color hair. According to the observations of scientists, with the fortress of the hair roots is responsible estrogen, which is known to the female hormone, androgen at the same time, better known as the male hormone, promotes the inverse function of the female hormone estrogen. Of course the female hormone estrogen in a woman's smaller, but at the time of menopause, it gives the number of the male hormone androgen, which is immediately reflected in the fortress of hair.