Hidden benefits of the Banana

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Banana is a favored fruit by many, simply because of its good taste. Not many are aware of the multiple health benefits of Banana. Bananas are fruits which are laden with nutritious value. A banana has four times more protein than an apple, twice more carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times more vitamin A, and all other vitamins and minerals are twice in quantity as well as compared to the apple. 

A banana contains three kinds of sugars; sucrose, fructose and glucose. These sugars are present in the fibers of a banana. With these elements a banana is an instant, long lasting and a true source of energy. Research has proven that after an hour of hard labor, two bananas are enough to restore energy. It is also a fact that banana is one of the most favorite fruits of the world’s most renowned players. Apart from being a source of energy, bananas also help in keeping the body fit and healthy. Making it a part of our daily diet can protect us from many diseases and problems.
A recent survey has revealed that banana has been a reason for tremendous improvement in depression patients. The reason for this improvement is a particular sort of protein found in the banana. This protein is highly relaxing and impacts the mood positively. Eating a banana rich in vitamin B6 will make you forget using medication. Eating a banana prevents anemia, as it is rich in iron. It can also mediate high blood pressure.
The high potency of potassium in bananas, along with the lesser quantities of other minerals, helps in maintaining the blood pressure normal. Bananas can increase mental and neural strength.
As per a study, children eating the potassium rich banana for breakfast, lunch and break, tend to be a more efficient part of the learning process. Other conditions which are elevated by eating a banana are; chest-burn, constipation, drowsiness, mental stress, muscular strain, and ulcers. It is also helpful in maintaining the body pregnant women normal. This is crucial for the health of both the mother and the child.