Homemade DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair

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Homemade DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair as Hair is very important for women now a day. Every woman wants beautiful and stunning hair. For this purpose woman uses many things. They use many creams, shampoos and conditioners. But they are not good for hair. They must not be used these type of products because they contain a large amount of ammonia. But they are not aware of the natural things. Natural things provide us good result. Avocado is such a natural fruit which not only beneficial for skin and health but also important for hair. Avocado oil is used to get vitamins and minerals. Avocado is used as hair mask to nourish and strengthens the hair. There is a natural homemade hair mask which is used to save hair from drying and damaging.

Homemade DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair

The ingredients which are used to made hair mask for dry and damaged hair are given below:

  • Half AvocadoAvocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
These ingredients are very important for hair.
The Avocado is used to nourish and strengthen the hair. It provides minerals to hair. Avocado has natural oils in it and these oils can help to repair split ends. These oils also provide softening to the hair.
Egg is another ingredient which is used in making a hair mask of Avocado. Eggs are enriched with proteins, fats, vitamins A, D and E. They provide proteins and vitamins to hair. Eggs are also helpful in strengthen the hair.
Olive oil is the most important thing for hair. It is very useful for hair. It is used to repair hair and is act as a good conditioner. It provides extra shinning to hair.
DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair
The method to prepare Homemade DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair is as follows:
  • Firstly take an Avocado.
  • Then split it in to two equal halves by using knife.
  • Then take half of Avocado and scrape half out with a spoon. And scrape every bit of it.
  • By the help of fork squash the Avocado in to buttery paste.
  • After this separate an egg yolk and put it in to the Avocado paste.
  • Blend the mixture together until they mixed completely with one another.
  • Put in 1 tablespoon of olive oil into this mixture.
  • Now the avocado hair mask is ready.
  • Apply this hair mask all over your head and leave it for half hour.
  • Now wash your hair with shampoo by applying cool water. Let hair dry naturally.
Now through this Homemade DIY Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Damaged Hair your hair gives the impression of being silky, shiny and softer. Apply this treatment twice a week.