How much sleep you need

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Sleep is necessary for maintaining good health it allows the body to rest and affects both physical and mental health. It refreshes us like nothing else. Sleep is important for concentration, memory formation and the repair of damage to your body’s cells during the day. When people do not have enough sleep, they cannot concentrate well the next day and have problems forming memories. It depends on your age that how much sleep needed to our body. For example babies need 16 hour in a day, teenager need approximately nine hour and so on. Lack of sleep has many effects on the brain and body. Some of the most common signs of sleep deprivation include poor reaction times, lessened judgment and problem-solving abilities. These symptoms of sleep deprivation can actually prove dangerous since they can affect a person's ability to drive, operate other heavy machinery or make wise and rapid decisions in difficult situations. In addition, physical health is affected adversely by a lack of sleep and the body may be more prone to illness. Some tips for restful sleep include:
  • Create a good sleep environment: the bedroom should be dark, a comfortable temperature and free from distraction.
  • Our bodies have a natural clock and a regular sleep schedule conditions our physiology with a sleep-wake cycle. A regular waking time in the morning strengthens this cycle and can help the onset of sleep at night.
  • Avoid substances such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine for several hours before you try to sleep: all of these can affect the mind's ability to enjoy a normal and restful sleep pattern.
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime. You should finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime and avoid spicy foods that may cause heartburn.
  • Follow a consistent schedule: dramatically changing a sleep schedule, for example staying up very late on weekends can have an adverse affect on the mind's ability to rest
  • Unplug from your day and leave the office at the office. If you still have a list of things leftover it is best to write them down with a simple to-do list for the morning. Avoid having arguments unresolved.
  • Exercise: regular exercise helps the body to stay fit and helps sleep patterns as well. However, it is important to stop exercise at least an hour before bedtime as it may act as a stimulant.
  • Feed your body healthy nutritional food with plenty of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruit. In addition, you can take a high quality supplement each day.
  • Practice relaxing rituals: calming, peaceful activities shortly before bed often assist the mind and body in preparing for sleep. Warm baths, soft music and other peaceful pursuits may be helpful.