How to Control Low Blood Pressure Naturally
Natural Ways How to Control Low Blood Pressure. Do you feel dizzy and weak after wandering the sunny and hot weather? There is a possibility that you may suffer from low blood pressure. Low blood pressure can be increased by making some changes in one’s lifestyle and eat the right way.
A person must have normal blood pressure around 120/80 mm Hg. However, when blood pressure levels fall below this level (90/60 mm Hg), it is said that people have low BP. Hypotension or low blood pressure is not treated as a condition that will not kill it, but if people have low blood pressure there are some symptoms that arise are dizziness, fainting, fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety, cold hands, blurred vision, etc..
Low blood pressure can be caused by various factors such as light or heavy blood dehydration, inflammation in body organs such as acute pancreatitis, weakness in the muscles of the slow heart level, etc. can also cause low blood pressure. Even some intake of certain drugs can cause this condition.
How to Control Low Blood Pressure Naturally
Low pressure is no exception and medicinal depends on the causative factors. In general, low blood pressure can be increased by making certain changes in one’s lifestyle and food that can be consumed.
1. Drink plenty of water
If a person suffers from dizziness due to dehydration, it is important to rehydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water. Increase the amount of fluid that will increase blood volume, which increases blood pressure. Stamina drink is also recommended because they provide the body with sodium and potassium, which will help increase the level of blood pressure quickly. In severe cases fluid infusion will be needed for the case that over-dehydration.
2. Increasing salt intake
Many people limit salt intake for fear of contact with high blood pressure, but I catch a low blood pressure. In that case, the intake of salt in the diet should be increased. However, it also should not be too much, because too much salt is also very dangerous.
3. Eat many small
Low blood pressure after a meal or postprandial hypotension can be prevented by eating foods low in carbohydrates but minority who often eat. That’s because after eating, more blood delivered to the digestive tract for digestion, which can result in low blood pressure. Limit the amount of powdered foods such as potatoes, pasta, baked items, etc. are also recommended. Sit after meals will also help prevent blood pressure dip. It is generally especially seen in older people.
4. Impose stockings
Impose elastic stockings help increase a person’s blood pressure to prevent the pooling of blood in the bottom of the foot, and also improve blood circulation in the body.
5. Raising the head position
Using a pillow to keep one’s head in an elevated position during sleep, help fight gravity and prevent too much blood leaving the head. This will help reduce dizziness when waking up in the morning.
6. Waking up slowly
If you feel dizzy when waking from sleep or rest position good seat. The best thing you can do is go back to that position and fixed in the same way until the feeling passes. People suffering from hypotension ortostatik should always slow rise from their rest position, especially when waking up in the morning. In addition, long standing in one position or reposition a sudden be avoided.
7. Drinking fresh juice
If you suffer from low blood pressure, drinking fresh juice every day to increase your blood pressure. Drink twice a day for about a week. Fresh carrot juice or pomegranate juice can be very helpful.
8. Eat raisins and almonds
Soak a handful of raisins for one night and after waking up consumption. Make sure you chew raisins well. Drinking water immersion former also. Or if you want to be made for the menu this way. Almond paste mixed with warm milk, soak almonds overnight, peel dead skin and puree in a blender. Mix with warm milk and drink.
Mild form of exercise / sports are also organized, but keep in mind that weight training should be avoided. People who suffer from low blood pressure due to blood loss, should be rushed to the hospital immediately. Before trying any medication, it is important to consult with your health professional, because drugs varies according to the underlying cause.