Natural Home Remidies Belching
A belch simply means you have accumulated a build-up of air in your stomach, and your body want to get rid of it to reduce the pressure. What goes in must come out. And when it does, the distinctive sound it makes is the belch (a.k.a. burp).
What you can do to prevent burping
- Avoid carbonated drinks. Ever open a fizzy soda after it’s been shaken? A similarly explosive situation will build in your stomach if you gulp down bubbly drinks.
- Steer clear of sparkling wine and beer. Like soda, they have the same power to remind you of their presence.
- Some foods contain more air than others. Avoid them. The aeration club includes whipped cream, soufflés and fluffy omelettes.
- Allow hot drinks to cool. Sipping a blistering drink like hot coffee may cause you to gulp lots of air.
- Set the straw aside. Drinking through straws causes you to—you guessed it—swallow air.
- Ditch the smokes. When you inhale air through a cigarette, you’re also swallowing some.
- Eat slowly. If you wolf down your food, you’re gulping air that will eventually want to re-emerge.
- Close your mouth to chew. You’re less likely to swallow air that way. For the same reason, don’t try to talk and chew at the same time.
- Avoid squeezing into tight clothes. Pressure around your midsection can squeeze out burps.
A natural boost for belching
- Ginger can provide quick relief. Take powdered ginger capsules or tincture before your meals. Or eat a bit of fresh gingerroot. Alternatively, you can make a very tasty tea. Finely grate a teaspoon of fresh gingerroot, pour a cup of boiling water over it, and steep for five minutes. Strain and let it cool a bit before you begin sipping.
- Fennel, anise and celery seeds can all relieve belching. All these seeds are available in the spice section of most supermarkets and you just need to chew a pinch of them to help prevent after-dinner belching. These seeds have carminative agents, which help expel gas from the intestinal tract.
- Camomile tea is a folk treatment for stomachaches that may also help relieve burping. Store-bought camomile tea bags will work just fine.
- Cardamom tea helps you digest your food better so the food you eat will be less likely to produce gas. Place 1 teaspoon cardamom in 1 cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink the hot tea with your meals.