Why is there pain in the chest when coughing

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Why is there pain in the chest when coughing

Pain in the chest, which provokes a reaction referred to as cough, appears due to pathological processes that contribute to the destruction of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea. Thus, the pain that is felt when coughing may not always be signs of pneumonia and other serious diseases occurring in the lungs. Sometimes the chest pain may be due to the common cold or bronchitis, lung, such a process can be called irradiate pain passing of the larynx in the departments of our respiratory system. To minimize the effects of such diseases should be used legionary and liver tea.

Why is there pain in your chest when you cough?

At the very beginning should be possible to accurately determine the true causes of pain in the thoracic spine, for this it is best to seek help from a medical specialist in his field. Most commonly, self-medication, which is generally carried out without proper experience can not only give the desired result, but also harm humans.

Chest pain, a physical explanation:

At the time of cough chest binding way intercostal muscles are utilized. And if these intercostal muscles intercostal acid accumulates, it necessarily followed by pain during the vibrations that occur during coughing. Verify the authenticity of these symptoms can be using palpation of the muscles. If the pain is felt by the person does not come from muscle, then the inflammatory process went deeper and moved to the pleura and the lungs. If symptoms indicate these reasons, it is necessary in order to address immediate medical advice or diagnosis in a special medical institution. Otherwise, a person is risking to be in a hospital bed a little later, but with more serious problems. Symptoms of inflammation in the pleura or lung disease, most often, is a dry cough, in which phlegm from the body comes with considerable difficulty. 

What else can be the cause of pain in the thoracic spine?

The most common cause of chest pain education are such diseases, the existence of which sick people can not even suspect. The most common diseases affecting the possible formation of chest pain are diseases of the heart and respiratory system. In some of these cases, the pain observed in the breast can be acute type, drawing, stitching and even stupid.

Let us consider the causes of pain:

1. Sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a low degree of mobility of the thoracic region of the spine. Blood stasis and stiffness of muscles negative impact on the course of disease associated with symptoms as chest pain.

2. The tumor of the pleura, in some cases accompanied by severe chest pain.

3. Rib fractures are characterized by severe pain at the slightest movement and coughing.

4. Sometimes low back pain in the thoracic spine can trigger chest pain.

5. Inflammation of the trachea.

6. Inflammation of the trachea.

7. SARS or influenza, which is accompanied by a dry cough and acute inflammation. Sometimes accompanied by feelings of scratching on the walls of the chest.

8. Neuralgia intercostal space. This disease takes place when accompanied by sharp and shooting pain when coughing, sometimes even during inspiration.

To best protect themselves from possible diseases of the pulmonary system drink only qualitative structured water, which is maximally promotes excretion of toxins. Natural antioxidant - high-quality low-molecular water, the structure of which is as close to the natural, the most suitable for drinking water.