Fast Foods That Can Damage Teeth

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Bad habits of eating fast food can damage your teeth to large extend. Almost everyone is aware of the things that do promote the good oral health including flossing, regular check0ups and brushing. But teeth can easily be broken , damaged or chipped so you should know the food that must be avoided to keep the teeth healthy. There are two main elements of fast food that tarnish your white teeth including acid and sugar. Sugars, specially the sucrose feed millions of bacteria which are already present in the mouth. Bacteria feast on your plaque buildup and produce lactic acid which destroys the enamel of your teeth. Sucrose id worst form of sugar which is even difficult to remove when brushing. On the other hand acids are naturally concurring in many foods that include fruit. In this case bacteria do not need to produce acid and cause decay. Instead of that the acidic foods eat away the enamel of teeth and broke down your teeth directly.

Following foods badly damage your teeth:
Hard Foods:
Avoid hard nuts, pork cracklings and seeds. The most common cause of tooth fracture is the trauma happened accidentally. While biting on small and hard object such as any seed an excessively amount of localized force is suddenly generated. As a result the suffering tooth may fracture or split. Also be careful of ice in the soft drinks.
Meat can easily get stuck in teeth and attracts the bacteria easily. This results ultimately in tooth decay. After eating meal or any burger you should at least chew some sugar free gum or floss teeth afterwards or brush as soon as possible.
Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck in your teeth and the areas between the teeth will cultivate some bacteria for its sticking. When every you eat popcorn remember to floss or brush teeth or at least wash them with water.
Sugary Foods:
Foods that are high in sugar specially the sticky ones can coat your teeth and cause the build ups between them and these are among the worst for the oral health. Many foods contain hidden sugars that may catch off the guard like pasta sauces, ketchup and other fast foods.
Along with the peanut butter the jam and jellies are loaded with sugars and are very sticky. Even all the fruit brands contain the natural sugars and encourage the bacteria and plaque if these are not washed away quickly.
Diet Soda:
Just because the diet soda does not have sugar in it, it does not man that it is safe for the teeth. The acidity of diet sodas is extremely high and which make them one of the worst products for the teeth.
Citric acid really attacks the dental enamel. While some fruits and some vegetables have the at least amounts of citric acid, it is most concentrated in the juices of limes, lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Some fruits have high acid content such as sour fruits.
In this article fast foods that can damage your teeth have been mentioned, always try to avoid these fast food and if you eat any of these food carefully bush and clean your teeth afterwards.