Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair are numerous and vast covering all the major systems of our body. Its major benefits include hair care, skin care, stress relief, heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, dental care, weight loss and bone strength. Adverse effects occur rarely, as coconut oil is natural product, though some people are more sensitive to it than others.
Coconut oil is best oil on Earth! It is not only good internally but also externally. It is all healthy for your body from head to toe, inside and outside either straight from the coconut or refined.Coconut oil provides moisturizing benefits for skin; it is an outstanding hair conditioner and also helps to strengthen your nails. Coconut oil has become a key ingredient in hair, nails and skin products. Coconut oil can be used as face moisturizer, skin lotion, massage oil and protects against dry and aging skin. Coconut oil helps to improve the symptoms of skin infections and reduces blemishes and spots. Since coconut oil is suitable and safe for all skin types, it can also be used on baby’s skin specifically for diaper rashes. If you use coconut oil as daily moisturizer, your skin will be cleared up and u will feel your skin softer and smoother.
Coconut oil is to be applied over the scalp and hair. There are some obvious reasons to treat your hair with coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes dry hair. It promotes the scalp health fighting against problems like lice and dandruff. Coconut oil slows down hair loss and adds shine luster and softness to the hair. It prevents split end and hair breakage.
Each time you wash your hair with shampoo, protein is lost. Using coconut oil will help to reduce protein loss to keep your hair strong and healthy. Vitamin deficiency is also a common cause of hair loss. Coconut oil for hair helps to combat harmful effects of external elements like stress and vitamin deficiency.Coconut oil has been used since ages for deep conditioning of hair. It is an excellent home remedy for frizzy and dry hair. Coconut oil is also works as an effective anti-dandruff treatment. It helps to reduce dandruff cause by dryness or any other thing. Coconut oil strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth and prevents further breakage of hair. Apply pure coconut oil daily on the scalp for best results. You can also add coconut oil in your diet or take coconut oil supplements daily.
Coconut oil is very useful for treatment of minor burns, sunburns, rashes etc. it helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Massage regularly with coconut oil every day before going to bed, reduces premature aging.Coconut oil is commonly used in skin moisturizers, bath soaps and hair oils. Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids. Vitamin E is known for its skin smoothing properties. So you must have noticed that coconut oil is a major ingredient in many skin creams and lotions.