How to lose five kilos in one week?

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The so-called super-diet helps lose up to five kilos in just one week, especially if exercise is done during that time period. Also remember to stay well hydrated during the course of this diet and it should take at least two liters of water every day. With this diet is achieved lose up to one thousand calories a day, while more centimeters are reduced to be taken into the body.

How to lose five kilos in one week?

How this diet is done?

When breakfast is take two pieces of any fruit except grapes and bananas, along with grapefruit juice or orange and fifty grams of whole grains.

It is recommended after breakfast, do some type of exercise such as a five-kilometer race or a series of abdominal fifty each. Afterwards, you must hydrate with natural fruit juice.

At lunchtime you should take a first dish consisting of a salad or some rice or some vegetables sauteed with some vegetables. The second course will be a piece of meat or fish grilled without any oil or sauces. Fat yogurt for dessert or two pieces of fruit.

In the afternoon, as far as possible, you can do some exercise in the pool, doing fifteen long about, is that swimming is one of the most complete sports there to help you burn calories at the same time that will keep you healthy and fit.

At dinner time you must take a vegetable stock, three pieces of fruit and nonfat yogurt. It may be accompanied with some tea and green tea.

This drink besides being excellent to lose those extra kilos, is very beneficial to health, as it has been shown to help prevent and fight cancer. It is recommended to drink three cups of green tea a day, but no more, as it is a stimulant drink that could affect the nervous system of those who consume it.

Between meals you can take a handful of pistachios, hazelnuts or a few nuts to regulate passage cholesterol and blood pressure.


While performing this diet should not consume any alcohol. Also sweets, sugars and foods containing such ingredients as well as carbonated drinks, should also be avoided entirely.

Before beginning this or any other diet you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to not affecting the health of the person to do it. And it is that after recognition, the specialist will be the only one who can decide if it is appropriate or not to start one depending on the individual circumstances of each patient's diet.