Diet for a healthy heart

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To keep your heart in perfect shape weight control and regular exercise are essential. A diet that is healthy for the heart can reduce by 80% the chances of such cerebro-vascular accidents or heart disease. Discover the anti myocardial diet.

Diet for a healthy heart

Cholesterol-lowering foods

Elevated cholesterol levels manage to increase the risk of heart disease so it is necessary to control it and to do the diet is essential. To do this you avoid trans fats or saturated found in foods like cookies packaged or chips which can potentially increase the level of cholesterol in a much more meaningful way than other foods that do contain cholesterol such as eggs .

Therefore choose foods that are high in fiber, unsaturated fats and proteins such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, beans and seeds. Also consider that food labels can be misleading. And is that those packaging that says "low in cholesterol" and "cholesterol-free" does not necessarily have to be healthy for the heart and could even contain cholesterol thereby putting the heart at risk. Must be limited wherever possible to basics, ie nuts, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

Saturated fats are an obstacle to a healthy heart but unsaturated fats are essential for optimal health. The latter include omega 3 found is fish such as trout, salmon or herring and flaxseed, canola oil and nuts.

Unsaturated fats include Omega 6 fatty acids found in many types of seeds, soy nuts and vegetable oils. Finally they include monounsaturated fats available on cashews, in almonds, in peanuts, in avocados and nuts.

You need to eat more

In your diet you should eat more healthy fats available in olive oil, in raw nuts, flax seeds in in fish oils and avocados. Also you need to take more nutrients than can be achieved in vegetables and fruits; more fiber, you'll find breads, cereals and legumes; more omega 3 and proteins available in poultry, in shellfish and fish and more protein and calcium can be obtained from egg whites, skim milk and nonfat yogurt and cheese.

You need to eat less

Moreover it is necessary to avoid foods that contain trans fats from fried foods, red meat or dairy foods. It should also avoid eating any packaged food, especially those that are high in sodium; white bread and refined pasta or rice.