How to make a lighter hair color

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How to make a lighter hair color
The popular jokes about blondes mental abilities, however, does not reduce a woman's desire to have a lighter hair color. And this is not surprising. Blondes often look sexy brunettes, much younger than that, it's for sure. Surveys conducted among men show that when meeting with a girl, most respondents prefer it blonde. How to make a lighter hair color, so as not to remain deprived of male attention?

How to make a lighter hair color using staining

The easiest way to those who happened to be born sveltest. It is possible that you have enough to use paint that for a couple of shades lighter than your natural hair color. If you want to lighten your hair ashy shades, then you can not do without the procedure of hair bleach. This is best done in a beauty salon, and not at home, otherwise you run the risk of not desired shade, and "something" with a yellow or greenish tint.

Owners dark hair is also better to visit a good master. Choose a color that 1-2 shades lighter than your. It is not necessary to radically change her hair color, if you have the nature of dark skin and dark hair. Bright blonde you can not just go. If you want something bright, special - try highlights.

How to make a light color hair folk remedies

Beautiful and attractive woman wants to be always. Our grandmother, not having in your arsenal of modern selection of professional hair dyes, way out improvised folk remedies. Nature has created for all people, you just know and how to use it all.

To give hair a lighter shade can brew common daisy (1 tablespoon pour 300 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes). Before using the broth cool and strain. After each wash, rinse hair decoction of chamomile, and they will acquire a lighter shade.

Not many people know that you can lighten your hair with honey. It acts on hair like hydrogen peroxide. Wash your hair with the usual means of adding baking soda (1/4 tsp). Blot hair with a towel, and while they are wet, apply over the entire length of the honey. Hide the hair under cellophane and wrap a towel. What more clarification you want to achieve, the longer the hair keep honey (6-8 hours). Honey not only lightens the hair, but also nourishes the scalp, which beneficially affect the whole hair.

Thinking about how to make a lighter hair color, think about the health of your hair. Any impact on their effect on the hair structure, making it dry and brittle. Whichever method of lightening the hair you choose, as long as your hair was alive and healthy. Only these eye-catching hair and admired.