How to get rid of acne on the chest

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How to get rid of acne on the chest
Acne on the body, as a rule, does not pose any harm, but may cause complexes and self-doubt. In addition, after the pimples on their site can be different sizes and scars, so it is important to time and correctly to get rid of acne on the chest.

Causes of acne

Acne - is inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which arise in the clogged pores of the skin.

Usually teenagers acne on the chest, caused by a change in hormone levels and increased production of sebum. In addition, provoking factors may act close and tight clothing, which, as it closes secrete sweat between clothing and skin of the breast. As a result of clogged pores and pimples.

In a more mature age spots on the chest are the result of cell death of the epidermis, which also clog the pores of the skin.

Sometimes acne is associated with some endocrine diseases.

How to get rid of acne on the chest

In mild cases of acne, to get rid of acne on the chest is sufficient to comply with the rules of hygiene, regularly clean the skin of the breast, systematic use of local resources and protectiveness wear cotton clothing that allows air to circulate more freely, and sweat to evaporate.

In severe forms of acne, especially when there are many pustules should consult your doctor - a dermatologist who will choose the suitable for you outdoor antibiotics (ointments, solutions, etc.) or internal (tablets or injections) applications.

Treatment of acne on the chest folk remedies

When a small amount of acne you can try folk remedies, but they are used mainly to reduce the fat content of the breast skin and its purification. Very well suited for this camomile tea made from one spoon of dried chamomile flowers, filled with boiled water. After cooling, this infusion is very good clean skin of the breast. To reduce oily skin often use a decoction of oak bark, prepared in the following way: oak bark (20g) should pour water (1stakan) and boil for half an hour. This decoction should be cleaned chest in the morning and evening.

Prevention of acne on the chest

In order to avoid the need to get rid of acne on the chest is necessary to observe preventive measures. Firstly, you can not squeeze pimples, as this can cause the appearance of new spots. You also need to regularly change the bed linen and wearing clean clothes, because the dirty linen are bacteria causing acne. And of course you need to drink at least two liters of water, which helps the body remove toxins.

Despite the fact that acne on the chest is quite easy to hide under clothing, do not long to delay their treatment, or they may spread to the exposed areas of the body.