How to massage her neck in the back

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How to massage her neck in the back
One of the most effective preventive ways to maintain muscles and skin of the neck in good physical shape is to perform massage. It should be understood that the implementation of this procedure is a very individual thing and only possession of correct knowledge about how to massage your neck will help achieve the desired results and avoid injury. Performing neck massage is based on the following key positions

How to massage her neck in the back

The essence of the problem in this case is to solve the problem of how to massage the neck, in the part relating to, the muscles that maintain the cervical spine and the muscles of the trapezius. Work on the neck muscles in this case will include an indication of steps below:
  • Implementation of procedures performed kneading muscles to give your muscles the necessary plasticity;
  • Directly massage by grinding and sawing;
  • In cases of neuralgia occurring in the occipital region to affect the nerves method is applied jitter. Perform each vertebra separately;
  • The end of the massage the neck muscles is characterized by relaxation neck movements, the main ones flexion and extension.

Performing massage the side and front quarters of the neck

Possession of knowledge about how to massage the neck with respect to the above its surface, is vital, as a muscle located under the breastbone - collarbone - mastoid muscle, is one of the major routes organism - jugular Vienna. Thus the problem to be solved with the help of massage of the neck, located on the sides and rear, improving allows the head, as well as the acceleration of the movement of lymphatic fluid that is particularly effective in diseases of the brain associated with impaired intracranial pressure and diseases of the mucous membranes. The main manipulation during the massage of the neck under consideration, are the following:
  • Perform strokes down the neck line towards the collarbone and then changes direction to the shoulders and armpits;
  • For the muscles on the line sternum - collarbone - mastoid muscle performance of procedures performed kneading and friction, in view of the proximity to the surface of the skin of large blood vessels and nerve endings that require special sensitivity for massage;
  • When medically massage operation performed shake the larynx, affecting among other things on the functions performed by the windpipe and bronchi.

Compliance with the massage of the neck to follow these guidelines will help to achieve the maximum positive effect and to avoid possible injury.