Perfect skin, or Get rid of Blackheads and Acne

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Perfect skin, or Get rid of Blackheads and Acne

Problem skin  trouble many modern women. Acne, black spots (they eels), boils - all that is called innocuous word "acne" - delivering a lot of trouble and spoils the mood. Get rid of acne and make your skin smooth, smooth and clean is not an easy task. First of all, let's see, which is why acne can appear on our skin.

The causes of blackheads and pimples

Unpleasant formation appear on the skin as a result of expansion and clogging pores and due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which occurs as a result of the following:

  • Often women with acne for the first time faced in the transition to adulthood. Here are the main source of the problem hormones. With the advent of puberty and hormonal changes, the body learns to function in a new way, which leads to excessive development of subcutaneous fat. In this case, everything can be resolved quite well: pass puberty, tested and pimples.
  • Adolescence is passed, you will not 15 and not 18, and the problem of acne is still relevant. The most likely reason for this - slagging of the organism. Junk food, excess cholesterol generate metabolic disorder. Incidentally, this effect not only on skin, but also in FIG (obesity, cellulite, swelling t ave.). Here it is not necessary to rely on "self-healing", a metabolic disorder requires a serious rethinking of their daily diet and consult an endocrinologist.
  • Hygiene. For example, you spent two hours training in the gym, or sweating all day at your favorite garden beds at the cottage in the summer, and immediately wash with you for some reason did not work. After intensive work your skin warmed, enlarged pores, sweat get inside, sebaceous glands become inflamed. The result is, quite literally, on the face.

Now we come to the main point: how to get rid of blackheads and acne?

Methods of Treatment

There are several options for getting rid of acne skin. You can choose exactly what will suit you and your skin well.

1. Drugs. In any drugstore pharmacist can recommend special ointments and creams to treat acne. We must use them as antibiotics: two to three times per day applied to the skin (problem areas) for five to ten days. A serious approach to the problem.

2. Cosmetics. Modern cosmetic companies offer us a wide range of tools for problem skin from the air cleanser foams up much less sensitive scrubs. Buy the funds can be in the pharmacy, and a simple store. By the way, in-store selection of cosmetic innovations against acne is much wider.

3: Folk remedies. If you are an ardent opponent of "chemistry", then this option is for you. Here in the course are clay masks, cucumber mask, herbal teas and mask designed to soothe and moisturize the skin. Suitable succession of herbs, chamomile, colts-foot, yarrow.

4. Beautician. Professional will offer you a solution with the help of a number of mechanical effects on the skin. Black dots are removed using a special apparatus or spatulas manually. Procedure unpleasant, but productive.

5. Complete cleansing of the body. If you have decided to approach the problem thoroughly and rid your body of toxins, then you direct route to a dietitian. He will pick up the power supply system based on the needs of your body.

Whichever option you struggle with acne for himself chose not remember the main thing: never try to squeeze blackheads, pimples, and even more so, boils own! This can lead to even more inflammation of the skin and the ingress of infection. Better not to be lazy and consult a dermatologist.