How useful yogurt for Women's Health
Many like yogurt for a pleasant sour taste and delicate texture. This dairy product is known for a long time and is still popular among children and adults. However, not everyone knows what is useful yogurt, and why it is more useful milk.
To prepare yogurt home must choose milk without preservative (shelf life than 3 days). As leaven used any natural yogurt. To 1 liter of milk will need 4 tablespoons of "live" yogurt. Milk should be boiled and cooled to 40 degrees, then add yeast, cover pot, wrapped in a blanket and put in a warm place for several hours. Such a product may be stored after preparation in a refrigerator for 4-5 days.
- Yogurt has a positive effect on the condition of the bowel. Lactobacillus helps the bowel microflora normalizing block harmful substances before they become carcinogenic. Calcium contained in it, prevents the development of colon cancer.
- This milk product is digested better milk through a process of fermentation - lactose into glucose and galactose. Therefore, it is suitable for people who are allergic to milk protein and lactose intolerance. Under the influence of bacteria in yogurt arise lactase and beta-galactosidase - enzymes, which suffer from a lack of people suffering from lactose intolerance.
- Yogurt is useful because it helps other nutrients are best absorbed. Bacteria that it contains, promotes more effective learning of B vitamins and calcium from milk.
- This dairy product promotes recovery of intestinal infections. It helps to refresh the intestinal mucosa damaged by allergic reactions and viral infections. Enzymes yogurtminimize adverse effects of antibiotics on the intestinal mucosa.
- Yogurt is good for immunity. Bacterial cultures stimulate the production of interferon and white blood cells that help fight infections. It is believed that lactobacilli inhibit the development of tumors.
- Yogurt - an important source of calcium. In 2 cups contains half the daily requirement of calcium intake (approximately 450 mg). Thus it is better absorbed from yogurt than from milk, due to the presence of special bacterial cultures.
- Yogurt suppresses the development of fungal infections. According to studies, 2 cups a day of this product help to maintain vaginal flora, inhibits fungal infection of the mucous.
- Yogurt is an excellent source of protein. 2 cups of yogurt contains about 20% of the RDA for a man.
- Yogurt helps to lose weight. According to scientists, the inclusion in the diet of "live" low-fat yogurt makes it easier and easier to lose weight.
- According to some studies, yogurt helps maintain acceptable blood cholesterol levels and normalizes blood pressure.
To prepare yogurt home must choose milk without preservative (shelf life than 3 days). As leaven used any natural yogurt. To 1 liter of milk will need 4 tablespoons of "live" yogurt. Milk should be boiled and cooled to 40 degrees, then add yeast, cover pot, wrapped in a blanket and put in a warm place for several hours. Such a product may be stored after preparation in a refrigerator for 4-5 days.