Plastic Surgery

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I am sure you look like a Hollywood actress, don't you? Nowadays people are not happy with their looks, size of stomach, breasts, nose or other body parts. They are very concerned about their physical appearance
And look for ways to make them better day by day.
There are two branches of plastic surgery i.e. cosmetics surgery and reconstructive surgery.
If you want an improvement in your look then you should go for cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is also known as aesthetic procedure. It is concerned with improving your aesthetic appearance in the absence of any actual malformation. Common cosmetic surgery includes breast enlargement (augmentation mammoplasty) or reducing the size (reduction mammoplasty), reshaping the nose (rhinoplasty), and removing the fat from specific parts of the body (liposuction). Another type of plastic surgery is reconstructive surgery. As the name suggests, reconstructive surgery repairs or reconstructs your body parts. If your face or body has any defects then go for reconstructive surgery. It can be as a result of a birth defect like cleft lips and ear deformities, congenital disorder, the consequence of disease treatments like rebuilding a woman's breast after surgery for breast cancer, illness or traumatic injuries like those from dog bites or burns.
Reconstructive surgery not only corrects or improves your appearance but it also corrects or improves some deficiency or abnormality in the functioning of the body parts.
Despite the increased popularity of cosmetic plastic surgery (it is no longer a luxury only for the rich), reconstructive plastic surgery is till performed three times as often.
Both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery includes grafting i.e. new version of tissue transplanation.It is a process that is used to cover a burned area To graft means to take bones, skin or other tissues from one place of your body or a donor’s body and transplant it to another place on that body where it starts to grow again and function properly It is just the same as the kidney transplantation where a donor donates a kidney to someone and its start functioning. Now it has become so much easier that a surgeon can take cartilage from a patients rib and build an ear or fix a nose. Whether it's reconstructive surgery or a cosmetic surgery one of the essential parts of both of them is the planned and careful cutting if skin where you can see natural lines or any fault in the skin. At the end of both surgeries suturing (pronounced as co-occurring) is done which is the process to sew the wounds.