Weight loss starts with the head

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Weight loss starts with the head

In history there have been times when food was just food, a means of maintaining power and energy of the body. In today's world about food all the more difficult.

The reason for completeness: overweight payment fullness of life
In this fast paced world is difficult to catch everything. A load of women - the biggest: go to work, shock work, at home, too, waiting for work - prepare, wash, take away, with the child and try to work out at least a bit to relax.

That's how life is - yes affaires concerns. But is this life?
Each of us has dreams, talents and hobbies, each has its own concept of leisure and life. And if time is not your favorite things, all this is compensated by food. Food - the most simple, fast and easy to enjoy. A vicious circle: the desire to bright, full of life - the inability to get it - plenty of food, which is not equal to that of life itself - and once again the desire to complete the sensation - overeating and so on.

Cause Weight: weight as protection from the outside world
Cold, cold world, and people are cruel and indifferent - a man who thinks so often begins to increase body fat, which separates it from the world and people. Extra weight becomes a barrier between the inner "I" of man and external circumstances. The girl thus fenced off from that surrounded that it can not accept and forgive.

The reason for completeness: overweight as a means to overcome the negative emotions
Hunger for the body - it's stress, which strains the nervous system. As soon as we ate, the nervous system relaxes. In other words, we are irritated when they are hungry, and come in a benign state of relaxation when I go.

In addition, many foods themselves contribute to the production of endorphins, hormones of joy.

And when the man caught the link between satiety and good humor - it's done: now in any stress reaction should "eat to calm down." Of course, serious stress, disorders and psychological problems can not be solved with food, so people once again falls into a vicious circle, and continues to be nervous and eat, irritated and overeat.

Cause Weight: weight as an indicator of fear
If you have something to eat - so this is why you need something. And obesity. Sometimes people are increasing pounds from fear. For example, fear changes. So, she may be afraid to start any new business or to do something else, such as to transform their lives, the environment. Thus, the fullness of "helps" to do nothing. And although the girl hard and bad of it, but she subconsciously clinging pounds, fearing defeat, fear of the unknown and possibly bad that they can bring these changes.

Cause Weight: weight as an indicator of a lack of love
When we are something much lacking, but really want and need, we try to somehow compensate. Food to do it the easiest way. For example, we all know that evening and night - dating and love. And if not enough of affection, she loses it needs tenderness, care and love, or does not receive them at all, it is not surprising that it was at this time suffering from bouts of hunger.

Many reasons of completeness, we have listed the most common. And if you realize that those extra pounds are increased due to psychological reasons, be sure to find her, to understand what is happening and what the situation started it all. As soon will discover, it will be easier to change those settings brains that brought you to the fullest. For example, stop eating to compensate for the lack of affection, and venture out and go on a date, do not seize the stress, and deal with the fact that it is not to suffer from a lack of new experiences, and ensure that they are currently. And then you can eat and lose weight without making a meal of the cult.