What breakfast to lose weight
Is not it wonderful a good breakfast? And not only because it is full of the foods we like, but it may be the best ally for weight loss. Want to know how?
I will try to bring together the various conclusions drawn by the best nutritionists to find out what would be the perfect breakfast.
Try to cover about 300 or 400 calories. If you're trying to lose weight guides your breakfast at 300 or 350 calories or less. If on the other hand you want to maintain your weight, especially if you are training for it, can approach 400 calories without fear.
Approximately 45% to 50% of all breakfast should be devoted to carbohydrates. Avoid sugar processed foods or refined flours that are used and opt for whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
I will try to bring together the various conclusions drawn by the best nutritionists to find out what would be the perfect breakfast.
Try to cover about 300 or 400 calories. If you're trying to lose weight guides your breakfast at 300 or 350 calories or less. If on the other hand you want to maintain your weight, especially if you are training for it, can approach 400 calories without fear.
Approximately 45% to 50% of all breakfast should be devoted to carbohydrates. Avoid sugar processed foods or refined flours that are used and opt for whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
15% or 20% of your breakfast, which are usually about 13 to 20 grams should compose. Take enough protein is very important to keep more satiated during the morning. In addition, several studies showed that taking at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast can make you lose weight too.
Eggs, milk, soy milk, protein powder, nuts, and whole grains are good sources of protein.
Choose 10-15 grams of fat, which accounts for 30% -35% of total calories you should have yourbreakfast. And, obviously, flee saturated fats like bacon and cheese, and choose monounsaturated as olive oil, nuts and avocados.
Should occupy 25% of your breakfast (about 25 grams a day). It may seem too but ok it does not affect or give you stomach problems. You can find plenty of fiber in the berries, pears, apples, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, etc.
If you follow the formula of section carbohydrates should not be afraid to spend with sugars, especially if you're eating a combination of foods such as fruits, whole grains, and dairy. But to cover our backs stay with you should not spend 36 grams. And when we speak of added sugars, never overdo 6 grams (one tablespoon and a half)
The ideal is to have breakfast between 30 minutes and 1 hour after waking. But if you're not one who can put anything in the body early, you can split the breakfast in two parts: take something very light just wake up and about half an hour after breakfast on conditions.