Foods that cause happiness

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Foods that contain tryptophan are what make us more optimistic. This essential amino acid is the one responsible to synthesize serotonin, a neurotransmitter that causes feeling of relaxation and wellness. Find out what they are.
Foods that cause happiness


This food contains vitamin B9 and vitamin C which helps prevent fatigue and exhaustion, contributing to an appropriate psychological function. Besides containing fiber is perfect to combat constipation protecting the intestinal flora, which is a great benefit to the immune system.

Whole Grains

The bread, pasta and rice increase levels of serotonin to stimulate the secretion of insulin, a hormone that manages to increase the provision of tryptophan to form serotonin therefore advised in case of developing depressive states and to counter a possible anxiety.


From the lentils until peas, through the chickpeas and beans, legumes have a perfect nutritional profile that provide vegetable protein, fiber and zero cholesterol also have a satiating effect. Also provide minerals like magnesium and vitamins such as B1, B3, B6 and B9. All these nutrients are relations with the proper functioning of the nervous system and an adequate supply of this is improved mood and decay is reduced.


This oily fish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, essential for the proper synthesis of serotonin and increases the concentration and self-esteem.

Banana and Pineapple

The banana has a huge amount of nutrients and fiber that provides a tremendous amount of tryptophan. Meanwhile pineapple is rich in vitamins, minerals and active compounds that stimulate the production of serotonin, leading to greater vitality.


According to many nutritionists, the artichoke is a great ally of health for its enormous benefits among which contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes digestive comfort and intestinal flora. It also reduces cholesterol absorption and thanks to the cinarina promotes the absorption of fats and removing toxins through the urine.

Milk products

Milk is rich in tryptophan, which as we have said, is an excellent precursor of serotonin which in turn favors the formation of melatonin which is involved in regulation of sleep, so drink a glass of milk before bedtime, will promote relaxation and rest.


The more black than the chocolate, will be healthier and more tryptophan contribute and have less fat, make it less fattening, all tested by expert nutritionists.

Nuts and seeds

Similarly it has been found that sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in tryptophan.

Do not hesitate to include these foods in your diet and you will see how quickly you'll find far more animated.