There are enormous health benefits of citrus fruits which not only make you healthy but also full your nutritional requirements. Citrus fruits include lemons, lime, oranges and grape fruits, in addition to the tangeries and pummelos. Citrus fruits are the rich source of zinc, Vitamin C, magnesium and the number of other minerals that are essential for normal growth and development of the body and also for over all nutrition. Citrus fruits have long been valued as a part of tasty and nutritional diet. The taste of the citrus fruits is not only good for people but also are very good for the health and proper functioning of the body. The biologically active and non nutrient compounds present in the citrus fruits can also help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Other then these the health benefits of citrus fruits also includes weight loss.
Citrus fruits are full of the nutrients given below and all these provides health benefits.
Vitamin C:
Citrus fruits are good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which is very essential for the body. Its plays an important role in the formation of collagen which is the primary component of much of the connective tissues of the body. Vitamin C is also important aid in the absorption of inorganic iron and it becomes an aid in treatment of stress and anemia. Prevention from scurvy and rapid wound healing is another benefit of Vitamin C rich foods in diet. Vitamin C improves the immunity of the body.
In citrus fruits the main energy yielding nutrients are the carbohydrates. Citrus fruits contain simple carbohydrates like glucose, fructose and sucrose as well as citric acid which also provides a small amount of energy. Citrus fruit also contain non-starch poly saccharides, commonly known as dietary fibers, which is a complex carbohydrate with important health benefits in it.
Folate or Vitamin B9 is present in rich amount in citrus fruits. Folate is a water soluble vitamin essential for new cell production and growth. It helps in the production of DNA and RNA and mature red blood cells which ultimately prevent anemia. Folate also helps to prevent cancer.
Many people believe that calcium is only present in the dairy. But actually calcium is found in high amounts in the citrus fruits as well. It is important for the strengthening of the bones and growth of muscles, specially in the early years of life when the body is in the growing phase and there is need for enough nourishment to take.
Juicy and citrus fruits are also used by people for the weight loss purposes. Citrus fruits are high effective in reducing weight in a very healthy way. In the diet plans citrus fruits are very important components. Citrus fruits are the must added food in any low fat diet plan because of being low in calorie and high in nourishment. Taking a cup of grapefruit juice on an empty stomach will help you to cut the extra fats rapidly and easily. Other then all this providing a healthy, glowing and acne free skin is also included in the health benefits of citrus fruits.