Benefits Of Drinking Lemon And Honey Water In The Morning Everyday

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Benefits Of Drinking Lemon And Honey Water In The Morning Everyday for women have been given in this article. Lemon is used frequently for salad dressing or in tea, it is also used in warm water for drinking. Drinking lemon water specially in morning gives you many health benefits. There are many health benefits of lemons that are known from centuries. Among these the two biggest benefits of lemon are that it has strong antiviral, antibacterial and immune boosting powers and it is also used as weight loss aid because lemon works as a liver cleanser and digestive aid. Lemon also contain many substances that fight with the infections. For making lemon water take water, you can take ice cold water and in one glass of water squeeze half lemon and it is ready to drink now.

Many digestive problems can be relived by lemon water including parasites, heartburn and nausea. If you drink lemon juice on regular basis then bowels can be aided and wastes are eliminated more effectively. Lemon also acts as a blood purifier and a cleansing agent. Lemon water cure constipation, it is known for relieving hiccups, it is also a liver tonic and helps to dissolve gallstones. Lemon water is used in dental care too. When fresh lemon juice is applied on areas of toothache, it helps to get rid of the pain. The massage of lemon juice on gums can stop the gum bleeding and it also give relief from bad smell and many other gum relating problems.
Lemon is a natural antiseptic medicine and it can cure many skin relation problems. Vitamin C is in rich amount in lemons that enhances the beauty by bringing a glow in skin and rejuvenating skin from within. Daily consumption of lemon water shows effective difference in your appearance of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and removes wrinkles as well as blackheads. When applied on burnt areas lemons fades the scars. One of the major health benefit of drinking lemon water is that it helps to loose weight quickly and is a great weight loss remedy. When lemon is taken with water and honey it helps to get rid of extra body weight.
Lemon is an excellent fruit that fights with problems relating to throat infections, tonsillitis and sore throat because it has the anti-bacterial properties. If you have sore throat, dilute one half lemon juice with one half water and gargle frequently. People having heart problems can see wonderful results by drinking lemon water because it has high potassium content. Lemon water controls high blood pressure, nausea, dizziness as well as relax body and mind. It also reduces the mental stress and depression. Lemon water can treat diseases like malaria and cholera because it acts as a blood purifier. All these are the Benefits Of Drinking Lemon And Honey Water In The Morning Everyday for women and also for men.