Honey treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

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Honey - is a first class source of all essential vitamins and minerals, such necessary for the health of each of us. How best to use such a gorgeous family doctor? Below I will try as much as possible to describe in detail the use of honey in many different ways and methods to achieve not only the best result, but the pleasure of the process of eating honey.

Honey treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For the treatment of ulcers must use honey as food for several hours before eating. If you for some reason do not have time to eat honey before a meal, it can be used after it, but only after a 3-four hours. Doctors recommend taking honey two or three times a day. Morning dose will be about 30 grams of medicinal product, at lunch missing 40 grams, and again in the evening you can eat 30 grams of high-quality honey. For people suffering from peptic ulcer is better to take honey previously diluted with warm, boiled water.

Best Health Benefits of Honey Health and Fitness Urdu

Ulcer, gastritis various degrees, if not acidity, high or low - it is necessary to use honey in writing immediately before a meal or in extreme cases, twenty minutes before a meal. The proportions of honey can be taken from the first example.

Very useful to be combined with the use of honey radish, it has many medicinal properties. Cut radish in deepening the size of a ball with a radius of 1.5 to 2 cm and put honey in it. Let sit, after the honey soak radish juice, about 5-6 hours can be obtained to use the drug mixture. For the treatment of rheumatism, you can use this popular recipe of this potion is that on half a glass of juice red add a cup of honey and half a glass of vodka and one tablespoon of salt. The obtained mixture was rubbed into the painful joints.