The best way to look great - Natural face mask!

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The best way to look great - Natural face mask!

The facial skin is always in need of power or restoring best to cope with this natural face mask. Depending on which is placed the ultimate goal of the whole operation, using different ingredients. And, of course, each such properly chosen mask can be a great weapon in the arsenal of women in their struggle for beauty.

Since the skin at all different, then there are a variety of masks. To cleanse the skin, suitable natural facial masks of suds, wax or clay. These elements are perfectly cleanse the skin from dirt and dead skin particles. Typically such a mask in the process become absorbed into a thin film. Carefully remove it, and with it all the unwanted and harmful trace elements. Cleansing mask improves the complexion, clean and narrow pores, makes skin face fresh and healthy look.

Many girls of a certain age are forced to deal with such a problem as oily skin. Oily skin should not only clean, but also to do anti-mask. Natural mask for the face helps to narrow pores and at the same time has an antibacterial effect, that is so necessary problem skin.

For dry and dehydrated skin is best suited moisturizing mask. Natural products that you use to mask, to help restore moisture balance in the skin, moisturize and nourish the skin. Especially those masks will be useful for those who want to keep a youthful complexion for many years. The skin in adulthood needs additional moisture, so these natural face masks should be mandatory weekly procedure.

Natural face masks will be especially effective if you follow a few simple rules.

Natural face masks: Instructions for Use

Before applying the mask on your face, the skin should be cleaned. So before doing peeling mask or hot compress. This allows pores to open and thus masks nutrients penetrate more deeply, and thus the effect of it will be much larger.

The very mass is applied to the face with a brush or sponge, and all your tools must be perfectly clean. Most interesting is that even wash the mask off the face of need for special rules. If you have oily skin, use warm boiled water. In order to enhance the nutritional or cleaning effect masks can drip into the water a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. For women with normal or dry skin, full face mask is best to wash decoction of herbs or tea too strong.

Natural face masks on the basis of the best oils to remove cosmetic tissue. Gently soak through the skin without pressure. Then wipe the face lotion or infusion of herbs or tea.
There are lots of recipes for natural face masks that are easy to prepare at home. It remains only to learn these simple rules, and reap the fruits of their cosmetic activities.