Skin cancer - The initial stage can be determined independently

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Skin cancer - The initial stage can be determined independently

In our time we are frightened by many things and skin cancer is just one of them. But that it only worse. But with timely treatment to the doctor, skin cancer at an early stage can be cured. Therefore it is very important to know the early signs of skin cancer and consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion.

Self-diagnosis is the most important factor in successful treatment. Every woman should know how to identify skin cancer, its initial stages and periodically inspect themselves and their families. Very many confuse rebirth of moles and skin cancer. Although this is a completely different skin diseases. However, in some cases, degeneration of moles can lead to cancer.

The most important sign of skin cancer is the appearance of pink spots, which starts to peel off. In this case, a stage cancer can be very different time, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism - from several weeks to several years. Particular attention should be paid to the forehead, nose, under the eyes, on the shoulders and the front of the chest. As a rule, these areas are at the most exposed to ultraviolet rays, and thus become the most likely and areas of destruction of skin cancer. In general, the development of skin cancer, many scientists attribute is sunlight. Under ultraviolet light is a mutation of DNA and starts a mechanism of active division. This leads to the formation of the densified skin portion that begins to increase in width or in depth. Thus the development of anomalies and bone hurts and adipose tissue.

The first signs of skin cancer

So, as mentioned above, sometimes degeneration of moles can end melonomoy - a malignant tumor. Signs of an emerging disease largely easy to identify yourself. Once a mole begins to cause discomfort, change the color and size, you should consult your doctor. Skin cancer at an early stage may be hiding behind any redness, so be vigilant. The dynamics of the disease depends on the tumor size.

As with any other disease, the first signs of skin cancer could occur at some certain people (so-called risk groups). First, heredity. If your family had cancer, especially skin cancer, you should take extra care. As well as the emergence and development of skin cancer can affect and excessive sunbathing. Sunburn may very well after some time lead to this terrible disease. However, doctors say that the use of different sunscreens is not an absolute guarantee of protection from the appearance of the disease.

Of course, this does not mean that now you need to avoid like the plague sunny beaches. Simply attention to their health back into fashion, and every woman should remember that only depends on it the health of all family members.