Amazing Benefits of Pumpkins for Health
Well, these orange fruits go beyond Halloween and sugary (but delicious!) Desserts and drinks. Pumpkins have numerous health benefits, and none of them takes the lead in most frequent autumn offers.
Do you have doubts as to get pumpkin pie (or cup)? These health benefits could make you change your mind:
Weight loss
Pumpkins are rich in fiber, which slows digestion. "The pumpkins make you feel full longer," says Caroline Kaufman, who has a master's degree in science, is a professional nutritionist and dietician and expert on diet and nutrition for up wave. "There are seven grams of fiber in one cup of canned pumpkin. That's more fiber you would get two slices of bread."
The pumpkin could make you feel satisfied, but it is also a super star low in calories. Canned pumpkins are almost 90% water, so in addition to helping you stay hydrated, has less than 50 calories per serving.
Sharpest vision
The bright orange color of pumpkins comes from its rich beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for eye health and helps the retina absorb and process light. One cup of pumpkin contains more than 200% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A for most people, which makes it a great choice for eye health.
Pumpkin also contains lute in and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are believed to help prevent cataracts and may even slow the development of muscular degeneration.
Best immunity
Looking for a way to protect yourself from illness and improve your immune system? Try the pumpkin. The large amount of vitamin A that provides fruit helps your body fight infections, viruses and infectious diseases. The pumpkin oil even helps fight various infections caused by bacteria and fungi. In addition, pumpkin has almost 20% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, which could make you recover faster from colds.
Younger Skin
Sure, eating pumpkins could help you look younger (beta-carotene pumpkin protects us from the sun's UV rays that cause wrinkles), but the flesh is also an excellent all-natural face mask that exfoliates and softens. All you need is a quarter cup of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie), an egg, a spoonful of honey and a tablespoon of milk. Mix ingredients, apply them, wait about 20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
Reduced risk of cancer
Beta-carotene is good for your eyes and skin, but you know what other benefits do you have? Combats cancer. Research shows that beta-carotene people who have a diet high in may have a lower risk of certain cancers, including prostate cancer and lung cancer.
Vitamins A and C are "a kind of defense squadron of cells," says Kaufman. Both are antioxidants, and act as shields for your cells against free radicals that cause cancer. "
It can help treat diabetes
In scientific experiments have shown that the pumpkin reduces glucose levels in blood, improve glucose tolerance and increase the amount of insulin produced by the body. Further testing is needed before we can say for sure what the benefits of pumpkin for diabetics will be, but if you have diabetes, eating pumpkin certainly will not hurt.